


4 years, 8 months ago


Name:  Bones
Gender: female
Age: young adult
Orientation: Gay

Breed: jack russell
Status: fixed since it was a requirement for her to be suitable for adoption. 
Height: 10 inches
Weight: 15 pounds?
Build: shorter than your average jackie- nice screw tail, big ears (and they seem to have a mind of their own too!), thin legs, fur is short and soft on body but it gets longer and wiry around her muzzle, eyebrows and tail. Much like her attention span Bone's stamina doesnt seem to last much long, she will run faster than the speed of sound but only for short periods of time.             SIDE NOTE; As she grows older it is expected that she will develop some spine related issues

Barrett Wilbert Weed ((or Veronica from broadways version of Heathers)) /
Speech: Always on full intensity mode. When she speaks you can hear the smile on her voice, and since Bone's tends to speak very loudly you will probably be hearing the smile a block before you actually get to see it! She often misses some small social cues so leave it to her to make the worst possible comment at the most inappropiate moment. It really doesn't help with her popularity.
Quote:  ''......but steel is heavier than feathers''
Song:  every single lyric of this song  // i cant believe im using a macklemore song (r i p)
also perhaps some GOOD spy jazz bu t in a totally ironic non serious way (for when shes playing detective)
agent bones on the case

Personality: idealistic / hopeless / romantic / cred

ulous / dumb / brave / kindhearted / good / optimistic / eager to please / curious
 (that's right! hopeless and romantic are two completely separate traits!)

  Idealistic / Infatuated
''The definition of idealistic is someone who believes in some ideal of perfection. An example of an idealistic person is someone who believes everyone is basically good and that all will always turn out right in the world.'' ((got that from google,))
Falls in love constantly, mostly because she tends to idealize other dogs a lot- heartbreak comes when reality hits. It never lasts for too long, before she finishes with one heartbreak you'll find her making heart-eyes over another dog! Her love usually goes unresponded, which is partly good... becasue she's actually terrified of intimacy! She might be having crusher all around but watch her run at the first sign of that love being corresponded.

Credulous / Innocent / Naive
Take naive: 'showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment', and then add credulous: 'having or showing too great a readiness to believe things', And you will have two of her biggest character traits.
She is new at this world, might as well have been born yesterday.

By hopeless i dont mean she doesn't have hopes,  I mean she is hopeless. There's no hope for her.
Bones dreams about being like one of the protagonists she sees on TV but the thing is.... she's never really faced any real type of danger! she's spent her entire life locked away from the real world,so the only refenrece she's had so far about how it works comes from tv and movies. And well, turns out the real world is.... quite different. She's just about to find out!
This new city represents her chance to look for adventure and prove her worth, she wants to be a hero, she wants to save the day...... but bets are she won't survive five seconds out there.

Bones is not smart; she is clumsy and forgetful and her actions will often show a lack of common sense from her part; however, what she lacks on wits she makes up with her heart! Not that that helps you much on the real world, but you know, something is something.
Brave / Lion-hearted / Heroic
This one goes somewhat related to the character traits right above. Bones is brave, but most of the time because she doesn't really think about the real consecuences might have. Good guys always win, right? So why should she worry then!
   On the other side, she's just eager to face some danger, endure some pain, and , there again, to prove her worth!

She is friendly but she's also terribly awkward. It's not her fault though, Bones' never properly socialized, ans she's spent most of her life on isolation. She's loud, and over firendly, she misses a lot of social cues and she also tends to step over other dog's boundaries far too often. This might make her unlikeable to some.

Kind hearted / Good / Helpful
Caring, warm, loving, kind. Bones loves everyone, she wants to help! She wants to save the world because she loves the world! It's easy to love everyone when you haven't even met them yet, we'll see how she does when she actually gets to meet other dogs, or cats, that might not like her back.

Exasperating / Eager to please 
Yes, she is exasperating. She talks a lot and she's loud, and she might drool on you sometimes and even tho she doesn't mean it she just does a lot of things that are annoying!!!!!!! At the same time, she's also desperate to be liked.
*This eagerness to be liked might come in conflict with her morals. Shall she do the right thing, or will the need to be liked win her over? Its hard to choose when you're under pressure- turns out doing what's right doesn't always make you popular.

Devoted to her causes, strong willed once she sets her mind on something, and with a desire to achieve it.

Scent: Bones smells like wood flooring and coffee; The Harness she carries at all times gets thrown into the washing machine every two days or so, so she also smells like ocean escape scented detergent, with a hint of love from dad.
Hobbies: Bones treasures the few moments she gets with her owner. Work keeps him bussy selling life insurance, but they usually get some quality time watching movies or tv shows together on Glenn's bed.
You will find the jack russell curled up on his chest watching the TV, attentive even hours after he's fallen asleep. She's seen an incrdible amount of sci-fi and whatever trash media that Glenn also consumes, at this point maybe even more so than him! And you can bet she believes every single bit is true! inside Bone's mind, all the stuff she sees in the Big Gray Box is somewhere out there, waiting for her to come and find it.

// NOTE; this will be Bones' first contact with the Outside World! so far she's only had the tv to reference off, so her idea of real life might be somewhat.... distorted. She will be surprised to discover real life is indeed not like in the movies.

- boyish
- Every morning, before going out to work, right before he lets Bones to roam free, Glenn always, ALWAYS puts the harness on her. The obnoxious pink is not a coincidence, its made out of reflective material! Reckless drivers: good luck running her over with your car when the all mighty harness is so bright it blinds you completely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As soon as she returns safely, he takes it off (throws it into the washing machine every other day), he locks the doggy door on the main door and they both get ready to sleep.
She also wears a mini GPS pet tracker on her collar. It just looks like a small gray rectangle on the back of her neck.
- Glenn is a little bit apprehensive about her, after all, the dog is one of the only tangible things he got out of the divorce. She also happens to be his only companion, and he happnes to be a very lonely man in a very tough time of his life, so the dog brings in a lot of comfort.
- I think i should also make a note on Glenn being a complete geek! So when i say they watch a lot of TV together, i mean they will be watching nerd ass stuff. Like just the most classic loser you can imagine.