


4 years, 11 months ago


Name Bindi
Species Corsican Wildcat
Age 21
Height 5'3
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Bisexual
Relationship Single
Occupation Assistant

Status Forever Homed
Designer Cozy_Chaos
Worth $25







Honest and loyal, Bindi is someone who is unquestionably faithful and true-hearted when it comes to her loved ones. Though she can be brash and assertive, she always comes off as genuine and down to Earth, something that a lot of the people around her struggle to do. Incredibly stubborn, Bindi digs her heels in when she believes something and won't buckle under any amount of pressure; she's strong-willed. There's something oddly charming about the way that she acts; she speaks her mind and is sincere in her actions. Often Bindi comes across as unreasonable as she refuses to do what other people tell her to. She's independent and relies on nobody but herself. Bindi finds it hard to trust others, but when she does, she will do whatever she can in her power to keep them safe. Bindi finds it easy to overpower others and is very strong both mentally and physically. She perseveres through the hardest of situations and will always do whatever she can to come out on top. However, no matter how tough Bindi acts, she can't hide her sensitive side that longs for the love and validation from those she cares about.

Born within the slum side of the city, Bindi was raised by her single mum in a grungy single bedroom flat. The luxury of her life at the time was a non-microwavable meal, as her mum often struggled to afford anything other than the food in that section of the supermarket. The luxury of her mother's life was nicotine, which was something that stained the air of their flat. Whenever Bindi stayed in her home, her mum would be smoking another cigarette that she purchased from the chemist down the road. When she began high school, Bindi started hanging out with those who lived in the ghetto with her, deciding that she would find people she could trust rather than those at her school who pretended to be friends with her. After a couple of months, they helped to cut her hair and helped to raise her, as her mum didn't do that job for her. However, the day of her eighteen birthday, the police were investigating the ghetto and shot twelve of her friends, her family. She watched them die in front of her very eyes. The police claimed that they were threatening them, but both the police and Bindi knew that was a false claim. Angry, Bindi tried to find a way to avenge her friends and get back at the oppression that the police reinforced. That's when she met Arabella. When Bindi met her, she realised that Arabella was working to make her own group, her own force. Arabella appointed her as her assistant in return for her loyalty.