Keegan (Extended Profile)



4 years, 5 months ago



Name Keegan
Age 20
Build Muscular
Species Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger)
Gender Male
Oreint. Bisexual
height/weight 185cm/72kg
Occupation [REDACTED]
d.o.b November 11th
starsign Scorpio

"What's the point of having such a lovely accessory, but not being able to show it off?"


  • He goes to the gym at least 3 hours a day and works his physique in every possible way-very BUFF
  • He doesn't actually love anybody in this world. He considers love and sentimental affections below him. 
  • He's proclaimed Bi, but would never marry a man. 
  • He has really bad anger issues, and will sometimes destroy things in the near vicinity to him. 
  • His favourite food is ASS- just kidding it's probably fries or something.

Loud mouthed and confident, with a quick temper to boot, a very rich and powerful young man. He tends to hate people, and keeps grudges for years...Is extremely manipulative and can hide his emotions very well.

Keegan was bored when he was approached by Gerrard. Such a mysterious man promised fun times! Crazy adventures! Things he'd been longing for for ages! Turns out that this instinct was right, with Gerrard turning out to be involved with some of the strangest folks Keegan had ever seen...And also one other, the ice-skating pro, Pierre. Right away, Pierre seemed to show a particular interest in Keegan...and things went from there.

Now, Pierre is head over heels for Keegan, and Keegan is loving it. Never in his life has he experienced such devotion. Or ever seen such naivety...He's just so trusting. It's exciting, really. Pierre's a weapon that few have ever had the chance to wield. With his undying trust, Pierre is easy to manipulate and play like a puppet on a string. But little does Pierre know...those puppet strings may just find themselves snaking around his silly little neck. 

But he does care for Pierre, deep down. The poor little guy is so insecure, Keegan sometimes can't help but wrap him up in a hug-note- Pierre's much bonier than he looks. 

In his spare time, Keegan works out and does Jujitsu. He's buff. 



  • Being hateful
  • Sex
  • Riches
  • Power

  • Love
  • Poverty (more like himself being poor)
  • Being forced to do things
  • Snuggling/Cuddling

Pierre | Puppet

He's cute and very successful. A nice accessory...a decorative handbag to hang off Keegan's muscular arm. Keegan actually doesn't have many affections for him, though. 

Gerrard | Boss

His boss. A man of many mysteries. 

Subaru | Acquaintance 

Insecure as well.