"Kondor" Aleksy Sikora



4 years, 7 months ago


Aleksy Sikora, nicknamed "Kondor" is one hell of a go-getter. They are an advanced xenobiologist for the Tajne Centrum Kontaktów Pozaziemskich (TCKP, "Secret Extraterrestrial Contact Center"), meant to synthesize alien soldiers for the Polish Underground State. After the failure of the Warsaw uprising, the state hesitantly called for scientists to manipulate the researched alien DNA discovered at a mysterious crash site in the rural areas outside of Warsaw during the first occupation. Kondor proclaimed themselves to be up for the task. They operate in an underground laboratory at the outskirts of Warsaw, and produce sentient slime soldiers to place in mechs and send off to war. Little do they know that some have gone rogue, being far more intelligent than Kondor intended.

Kondor approaches the subject with an intense, almost aggressive demeanor. Try to interrupt them while they're busy and you might just have a wrench flung in your direction. They're a passionate workaholic, and are often seen chugging coffee with ruffled hair and dark bags under their eyes.

Kondor is 26 years old and stands at a humble 5'7". They are demi-bisexual and deminonbinary, going primarily by they/them and simultaneously accepting he/him pronouns. They have a lanky, rather masculine build, with chin-length black hair that always seems just a little more messy than average. Occasionally, it's slicked back with a modest amount of hair gel. There's always the slightest amount of scruff on their chin, as they only seem to shave when it gets too long. They're most often seen wearing a ragged, oversized lab coat and gloves, claiming the coat was inherited from a family member.