Nico Hawthorne (Demigod)



1 year, 10 months ago


Name Nico Hawthorne

Called ???

Age 25

D.o.B. ???

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Height 6'2"

Weight 213 lbs

Race Demigod

God Parent Hermes

Job Tattoo Artist

Fatal Flaw Conflict Avoidance

Weapon Twin Daggers

Mist Form Airpods and Case

Key Gold Coin

HTML Pinky

+ Imaginative • Generous • Studious • Easy-going • Resourceful +

- Evasive • Anxious • Impulsive • Uncommunicative • Restless -

Nico is a creative person who puts in the time and effort towards things he truly loves and enjoys doing. He likes getting lost in tasks, keeping his mind from wandering. Surprisingly resourceful, he is quick on his feet and comes up with some pretty advantageous solutions. When things don’t go as planned, he takes it in stride and enjoys the challenge. The generosity that has been given to him in life had a lasting impact on Nico. He is always willing to give a second chance and help others.

However, despite his easy-going nature, Nico tends to keep his actual stressors and problems bottled up. He doesn’t open up to people and it can be hard to know if something is truly bothering him. He can come across as detached and it can leave people feeling put off, finding difficulty in creating connections with others. When the shit actually hits the fan, Nico prefers to run. When conflict with others arises, Nico bolts and doesn’t stick around to fix it. He looks for ways to distract himself from real life problems instead of confronting the problem. It’s hard for him to come around and finally deal with problems head on. And the more he sits on issues, the more restless he becomes, hating to stay in one place for too long. The more anxious he becomes, the more impulsive he will act.

FATAL FLAW- Conflict Avoidance - Nico hates dealing with problems with others head-on and would rather run away than actually deal with confrontations. It spikes his anxiety and can cause him to make rash decisions.

Strength 4

Defense 5

Dexterity 10+2

Intelligence 8

Constitution 6

Charisma 7

HP 32
  • Tattoos
  • Insects
  • Bouldering
  • Metal/Punk Music
  • Rain and Thunderstorms
  • Cigarettes
  • Feeling unclean
  • Screams
  • Dogs
  • Guilt
  • Anything that messes with his head

Follow The Path

Nico isn’t really able to describe how, but he always knows the way to a place, person, or object. As long as he is thinking about it, he will always be lead in the right direction.

Sticky Hands

Nico is an expert at theft and when he sets his mind to it, things can almost magically appear in his hands. Don’t take your eyes of an item, because it might not be there when you look back.


Let’s just say Rose Hawthorne was… messy. Loud, brash, and beautiful, she always had the heads turning. And her beauty and upfront attitude was exactly how she caught the eye of Apollo. Which landed her with a daughter, and when she realized Apollo was just going to be a deadbeat dad, Ruby got mad. She kept writing letters and shouting at the sun, calling Apollo many, many colorful names, to the point that Hermes finally showed up, begging her not to upset Apollo. That's when the idea of getting revenge came to Ruby and she began to act pretty sweet to Hermes. Well her plan landed her with another kid, this one she named Nico. And about 3 years later, when Apollo found out Ruby slept with Hermes, he showed up at Ruby’s house furious. The shouting between them shook the walls, and Ruby more than once alluded that Hermes was better in bed to make Apollo jealous. 9 months later, there was another baby girl.

Now Ruby was stuck with 3 kids. She was not a great mother and she often left her kids at home by themselves, expecting her eldest daughter at the age of 7 to watch over 4 year old Nico and the newborn. She wanted to party, drink, take drugs, etc. and was not going to let some kids stop her fun. The kids grew close to eachother as they dealt with this rough life, and even dealt with their mom’s string of terrible boyfriends. It was one such boyfriend that ended up sticking around that made their lives hell.

Jeremy was a shitty person through and through, and left Nico feeling like his skin was crawling. But Jeremy was not a regular human, but secretly a lycan and he could smell that these three kids were demigods. He initially was thinking of devouring them, but the youngest showed healing powers, so he decided to stick around and use it for his benefit. From there, life was terrible.

The worst was during the summer when the eldest child was off to camp at camp for the entire summer. Nico finally unable to stand his mom and her boyfriend, and scared for the upcoming summer, ran away at 12 years old. Guilt ate at him for leaving behind his sisters, but he couldn’t take it anymore. For almost a year he was homeless and constantly on the move, following a gut feeling that told him he would eventually make it to a safe place. As he stumbled into the camp grounds, shocked to see campers and satyrs and other creatures, the symbol of Hermes appeared above his head. Hermes claimed his traveling son, who had finally found a place to rest. Nico couldn’t believe at first what he was told, but slowly began to adjust to demigod life.

Camp Half-Blood

Nico stayed at camp full time for about 4 years. He made friends, began practicing stick and poke tattoos (terribly though), and practicing his fighting skills. He always thought about his sisters, but never once thought that they were demigods because he knew he had a different father from him. It wasn’t until the close to the end of summer when he was 17 did his youngest sister arrive. She was 13 years old now, he hadn’t seen her in almost 5 but he recognized her immediately. Instead of confronting his family, Nico left.

After Camp

After camp, Nico was back to being homeless for a time, and found himself getting into unhealthy habits. 2 years were a blur until a tattoo artist recognized a fellow demigod and offered Nico a path towards redemption. Nico accepted and the demigod took Nico in as an apprentice. Nico was working towards staying clean but 1 year later, he stole from the demigod and got back into drug use. Eventually he came crawling back to his mentor who gave him a second chance. Nico stayed sober the entire time and continued to work on his skill and make it up to his mentor.

Nico was doing better by now, having a strong clientele interested in his work. Until his older sister came into the shop. It turned out, she had been gifted by Apollo’s musical ability and was in a rock band. The group had come in as one had made an appointment to get a tattoo from Nico’s mentor. Nico decided to run away from his family again, unable to still face the guilt he had. His mentor came in, catching Nico packing his bags. His mentor pressed a coin into Nico’s hand and told the young demigod to go to Little Olympia. Nico thanked his mentor before leaving for Little Olympia.


At age 15, Nico went on a quest with Kasey, a son of Apollo, and Kylo, a son of Hecate. The trio were tasked by Aphrodite to find and retrieve Eros’s arrows, who embarrassingly misplaced them. Concerned that the arrows which could stuff up feelings of Lust or Loathing would fall into the wrong hands, Aphrodite had to do something about the situation. Nico helped guide the trio to the arrows with his innate sense of direction, and the group was successful with their quest.

  • Main tattoo on his forearm was done by his mentor, an Apollo demigod, who had some prophetic powers.
  • The skeleton on his ankle was one of his first tattoos he did
  • Cringes when he sees some of his first tattoos
  • Since leaving camp, he learned both of his sisters are daughters of Apollo.
  • Has a tattoo of a crow/raven on each of his hands with an initial for each sister.
  • Has yet to actually talk to his sisters
  • Has been clean for 3 years
  • Does not know what Jeremy is
  • Enjoys bouldering and rock climbing
  • ...

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