Veyace's Comments

Are you comfortable drawing either humans or dragons? Those are currently the only character types I am looking at art for. 

And what dragons I have are rather complicated in their design with a lot of small details. I'm just mentioning this as your art style is on the simplistic side. Nothing wrong with that ofc! Simple styles are awesome too!

Dragons are another strong suit of mine! I can draw more complex designs too, especially if it’s working off of an already existing one ^^

Alright! What kind of art and how much are you offering? No open ended offers like "how much you think they're worth" or ect please. I am really bad at valuing art from others, and easily undervalue or overvalue artwork.

How does two full bodies with a simple scenic background sound? 

It’s 1am rn for me, so ill respond to any new comments here in the morning ^^

I am willing to add two-three busts to this if need be ^^

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