


4 years, 7 months ago



Guiineung @IG


Fei is the daughter of a wealthy official, She's very cunning and intelligent, and is a very dedicated rule follower. Due to her upraising, she's very soft spoken and polite, often seen blushing when speaking. 

Due to being born a women, she wasn't able to have a proper education. Instead, she was taught how to play traditional instruments such as the Gu zheng in order for her to be a good housewife. Although she hates the idea, she can't go against her parents wishes. She later befriends a farmer while playing Gu Zheng outside. The farmer, nicknamed Toffee and her little sister Yu instantly became infatuated with Fei. Later, Toffee and Yu started stopping by frequently to chat. One day, when chatting with the two, her house caught fire, and the three weren't able to escape. 

Name 李飞
Age 18 Physically, ???
Gender Female
vOice Kurokumo
SPECIES Dragon deity
  • Although she's talented, she still strives to become better.
  • In her previous life, she was a high court official.
  • She can't eat spicy food.
  • ISTJ
  • her birthday is Febuary 28th!
  • (10/25/23) she's probably 5'7-5'8 tbh, I never gave her a canon height as a child though for some reason
Insert quote here

Kanekookie @IG
Q: A penny for your OC's thoughts?

Fei: I sometimes wish that my parents would let me dress as a male in order to attend school. 

Q: So what is your greatest achievement? And what do you hope to achieve in the future?

Fei: .My Greatest achievement is my ability to play multiple instruments. I'm not sure what I would want to do in the future, I guess I will just see how things play out.

Q: What keeps you up at night?

Fei: Many things, it's still strange to me how I was somehow reincarnated, and how my parents and my friends have been dead for about 1,000 years. I try not to think about that too much. 

Opinions on...

"Thinks she's an idiot but still plays along."

"Treats her like her own child, loves her dearly."

"Gets along with well, often has tea together."
