Amanda Xiāo



4 years, 7 months ago



Name Amanda Xiāo
Nicknames/Alias Manda
Age 17
Gender Female
Ethnicity Chinese
Position Student, school journalist
Sexuality Lesbian
Theme Song link

Cute, bubbly and ditzy. Amanda buries herself in internet culture, and general media. Don't be fooled by her adorable smile and cute odango-styled hair, Amanda is outwardly arrogant and condescending. She is a young lady who thrives off of others' validation. She is also very aware of Blue Fields Academy's social "food chain", and desires more than anything else to climb to the top and stay there. As such, Amanda devotes much of her time to following the latest trends, obtaining the hottest gossip and putting down anyone she comes across that she considers to be on the lower rungs of the social ladder. Nothing, however, is more treasured by Amanda than the respect of her closest friends, Lewis and Noah.

Amanda's critical disposition stems largely from her mother, who is just as verbally abusive to her daughter as she typically is to others. Her home life was largely effected ever since the dissappearance of her father, her mother often leaving her and her siblings at home for months at a time to go on business trips. The few times her family is together is filled with empty conversations and a tense atmosphere.

She attends Blue Fields Academy with a visual arts scholorship under photography. Unfortunately, her grades were not up to par with the Academy's standards so her acceptance is severely backed up by a large sum of money.


  • White chocolate
  • Celebrity drama
  • Gossiping
  • A sense of direction
  • The beach


  • Gross bugs
  • Chunky peanut butter
  • Public pools
  • Being made fun of
  • Information being withheld from her


Coming from a rich background, she is outwardly arrogant and condescending. Amanda is somewhat loyal towards her friends and simply agrees with their choices with little to no question. She is also somewhat unintelligent. Air-headed and pretty stupid. She rarely voices her personal opinions though the few times she does, her lack of intelligence is often exposed, which leads to disapproval from Noah. Amanda can be sarcastic at times but is very conscious about her looks and lack of intelligence, traits which she hides by judging other peoples' faults. As a socialite, Amanda has no problem striking up a rumor and keeps tabs on which ones are fake. She looks up to Noah and respects his constructive criticism as she believes that Noah is genuinely trying to help her make it in the big world.

Eventually, Amanda befriends Tuesday Michaelis and Brittnay Lee Choi who help her gain more self confidence and less reliant on others, especially Noah’s, approval. She also starts to voice her own opinions more often.

Used to having her parents spoil her rotten since a very young age, she tends to have an obnoxious behavior to match. She has a playful rivalry with her best friend Lewis, both competing for the attention of the students of Blue Fields Academy and Noah's approval. Given the proper motivation, Amanda can also be very manipulative. She has a particular talent for pushing Paige's buttons, faking sincerity at opportune times, and getting others to do what she wanted through lying or making them feel sorry for her.










Colour Blue

Animal Giraffes

Season Summer

Food Rhubarb pie

Beverage Iced latte



Skills Photography, journaling, skating, poetry

Languages spoken English, Mandarin

Ability to drive Car (licensed)


  • Amanda’s father, Robert Xiāo, is an ace reporter who recently went missing whilst investigating the Myers’ family. The only things she has to remember him by is a camera gifted to her by him and a few family photos
  • Amanda finds it hard to focus in a noisy and hectic environment. This is why she is drawn to the peaceful nature of still life photography and writing
  • Amanda has two younger siblings, twins Carol and Cole
  • Amanda's reaction to most things is to laugh, especially when nervous or angry
  • Amanda usually internalizes her feelings and opinions about most things