Dirt Patch's Comments

I'm very interested in this bean! I would name him dirt patch

Also I wanted to say I absolutley LOVE osomatsu san! Karamatsu is my favorite brother!

Of course! I’ve sent him your way! But I’m so glad to see another Osomatsu san fan!!! I’ve never met another one in a while, I can’t choose a favourite brother but I love Todomatsu, Jyushimatsu and Karamatsu too much to choose LOL. Anyway sorry for the long comment but have a great day! 

You're totally good! I haven't seen another one sense I moved out of my friends house! We used to cosplay them together! I was Kara and he was Jyushi! His favorite was Oso!

That’s so sweet! I didn’t see this until now but what are your thoughts on Todomatsu? He’s my favourite LOL, hope you have a good day though!!

I like todo!! I think he's adorable lol he's definitely in my top 5 of the brothers 🤣🤣

Can I have?