


4 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Is getting a rewrite and look



Name Moldra
Age 70 years old
Height 5'5"
Species Drow
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Straight
Relationship Status Unknown
Occupation Druid
Theme Moonchild


Moldra isn't very social, staying quiet when not addressed or putting her opinion in. She tries her best to be caring towards her party members, hoping they can trust her. Though she does not understand the land of Barovia, or most things for the matter due to her sheltered life. 

Design Notes


  • Moldra talks in a quiet soft voice, not liking it when she has to raise her voice
  • Her main colors were originally blues, but that made her look more like my friend's half drow
  • I intended for her to be depressed and sad sounding all the time, but that didn't stick when I played her


At the young age of 15 Moldra was chosen to become a priestess for the Night Mother, the main religion of Drow where she lived. Being chosen was seen as a huge honor and would gain the females a lot of respect. Soon Moldra found herself being trained by the head of the church, Illistyn. Training to be a priestess took a lot out of her, all that pressure being put on her at her age. Not wanting to be a priestess only made the training so much worse, it never felt right. So whenever there was any free time from the Reliquary she'd go explore the nature and woods around the church. It wasn't long she found a druid by the name of Caliphan. Her free time became less lonely as she spent time with the hunchback man, who began to teach her lessons in being a druid. She found peace with the plants and animals around her, loving every bit of it. He would tell her about choosing her own path and how she shouldn't be forced doing something she doesn't wish to do.

When the final night came of Moldra's time at the Reliquary when she'd become a priestess, she suddenly got cold feet. After 45 years of training, never speaking a word about how much she hated it, she ran. This isn't what she wanted her life to be, she wanted to set her own life. Not being trapped in this place. The Night Mother wasn't happy about this though, she sent a curse upon Moldra. Suddenly the plants around her started to die, what caused her so much peace and happiness withered under her. This horrified her, this fear grew more when she ran into Caliphan. She was so scared that he would hate her for killing the nature around her, various apologizes trailed out of her and an explanation of her leaving. Caliphan told her he was proud of her for leaving, but he knew the church would search the whole land of the mists for her. So he told her to leave and he'd keep her location a secret from everyone. With tears streaming down her face Moldra ran off again, not knowing her exact destination. 

It wasn't long before Moldra found herself in the land of Barovia, not knowing what her next move would be. Suddenly two groups began to move towards her. A duo with an excitable young human named Floyd and a friendly undead skeleton named Jane. The other group was a party of three consisting of a serious human named Scott, a quiet tiefling named Lilithian, a reserved human named Cygnus, and an older tiefling named Argimus.


  • Flowers and other greenery 
  • Calming scenery
  • Spending time with her new party
  • Being around animals 
  • Candle light


  • The church of the Night Mother
  • Not having a choice
  • Being stuck in religious places
  • Deafening silence 
  • Pitch black darkness
Caliphan Mentor/Crush

Caliphan is a very important person in Moldra's life and she treasures him greatly. She loves talking about him and writing to him. The thought of him puts a genuine smile on her face.

Illistyn Ex-Mentor

Moldra both hates and fears Illistyn, knowing full well the woman now hates her. After all she trained Moldra for years only for her to run away. 

Name relationship

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Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at lectus in ex pellentesque mattis ut laoreet ante. Mauris nec orci elit. Ut eget tellus eget ipsum porta condimentum. Etiam rhoncus bibendum blandit.