Zyghost's Comments

They kin Jesse Pinkman /j

Yo yo would you take maybe $12 (awkward number thats all i got lol 😭) and a solid animation for em?

I got examples on my artfight! https://artfight.net/~Stein

and my youtube too for reference!


he a crusty man i love em

thanks for your consideration man! 👍 

I love ur art omg! would you be willing to do 1 or 2 still pieces rather than an animation perhaps? :0 Im hella interested in ur offer!! 

BRO THANK YOU!!!! I LOVE YOURS TOO!! Dude you sure?! I got you! They’d be either painted or just fully colored and shaded for real my art styles all over the place Lols Any character either furry or human or whatever is perfect 🤩

Also, dm me your PayPal or Ko-Fi whenever and I’ll send that shiz right away!

omg sorry I totally forgot to hit send on my response smh

TYSM AHH!! sounds good, I hope these two are good! if not either can be swapped so dw just lemme know :DD

https://toyhou.se/13073581.rumors#40647802  his green markings can be any neon colour! favs are his normal lime green or a neon pink

https://toyhou.se/2124864.gaven/gallery#7454779 this guy doesn't rlly have any specifics anything for him works tbh :) 

and my PayPal is [deleted]!! :00

LOL ME I DO THAT ALL THE TIME I got you!!!!!!! Those charas are perfect bro!!!! I'm starting literally right now

And money is sent 😎 sent thru friends and family so none is lost in translation

AYYE THANKS!! I'll mark Reed as pending rn!! 

3 Replies