Leviathan's Comments

I really love Leviathan's storyline! The layout is really neat on top of that!! I can see a lot of work put into him and honestly loved reading through his interests! Great work!!

awww thank you so much!

woah ok first of all I LOVE this guy's profile layout; I've never seen anything like it! I really dig how there's the main page which describes him OOC and then like his "own" pages where he introduces himself a little bit IC, It's a really interesting way to present a character and I really really dig it! This gives me ideas for my own profile layouts tbh :0 :0 :0

He's immediately super endearing to me tbh; he's insecure and a bit desperate but he puts up this over the top partyboy front which is a character type I am an ENORMOUS sucker for. He seems like a really fun character but he also has these flaws and nuances and aspects of him which are kinda pathetic (especially for, like, a demon).... which just make me love him more >:v and if that wasn't enough I am automatically a massive sucker for musician characters
Every tab of his profile has something which I find entertaining; I love his "work experience" section so much fhthfht I absolutely snickered at "worst pizza in Hell" and "5 autographs per second"

His design has so much stuff I like as well. Neon? Fishnets? Goth boots? Spiky bits? Stripy pants!!? Black-n-white hair!?!?!?! superb

so yeah in conclusion he has a really entertaining profile, a really appealing design, he is great and I love him :'v

AAAAAAAAAA DEAR OMFG THANKS SO SO SO MUCH FOR YOUR COMMNT <333 I can't express with words how happy I'm that you like him! It means a whole lot <3333

Thanks again and have a lovely day~ <3