


4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Winifred Grace


Wynn, Fred, Miss Grace








Unknown - leans straight






Dark purple, straight, medium length

Unique Features

Some cute jagged hip stripes


Spirituality, after-life tales and theories, sweet puddings, kindness, bonfires, low drums


Aggression, being rushed, interrupted naps


Laid back, quiet, serene


Death doula/ caretaker of souls




She's gonna deal a lot with death! Maybe even a grave cleaner/upkeeper of some sort too. 


She tends to keep to herself but does enjoy to share a cup of tea or other warm beverage with another person or two. Too many and it gets to be too much for her, but in rare circumstances it's okay (if she knows the others in the group really well). Some families are large, though, but when it involves her job it all feels very different. That is not a time for her to relax, but to ensure others are as comfortable as they can be given the circumstance. 

One way she does let loose is around bonfires. Especially if there are drums playing, she will give into the beat and dance with the flames, even whooping and hollering if it is an especially joyful time. 

[Why did she choose her profession?] - One of her friends had a grandparent who was passing. She felt so comfortable being there, tending to the grandparent who was close to dying, and it was not at all what she expected it to be. And when the moment happened, holding onto their hand and the hand of her friend, she felt the most at ease in her life. She knew in that moment that this was what she needed to do with her life. 

As far as her sexuality... it's a thing that felt muted to her for the longest time. It was obvious she didn't have the drive for it like everyone else did as she grew up, but it just was not something that really concerned her. She had read a few erotic stories and found a couple that actually appealed to her, so she keeps those for rainy days and a blue moon. A few boys had caught her eye over the years but they quickly proved themselves to be... less than stellar. The company of a friend or two, her books, and a few candles was all she felt she needed and seemed to be far less bothersome. [Part of future time though...] She does grow into it, as in seeing how it can be fun and a way to bring comfort and acceptance to others. She even admitted to enjoy taking part with a few partners as her tastes grew.



I'm thinking she got captured to work in some Shooter hookah bar that uses Weaver tails as a novelty for it. Possible brothel aspect to it. Anyway, she gets out of there and goes back to her normal life of helping people arrange death stuff and comforting them. BUT THEN. Her aunt passes and left her business to her in the will. Her aunt ran a brothel (and a not very good one at that).

Wynn has mixed feelings about this, but ultimately finds this to be an opportunity. Why do people go to such places? For pleasure and comfort. There's no reason why they have to be seedy and uninviting except for those who are desperate. No, that won't do. She would recreate this business, taking a page out of where she was forced to work for a time, by creating a hookah lounge in the front with cuddles-n-more in the back. The deeper inside one goes the more... intense the activities would be. 

Her speech to her workers: 

“Okay, we’re not here for competition. We are not here to backstab and sleep our way to the top. We are equals here. We take care of each other. Have a problem? Talk it out. Still need help? Ask.
Our purpose here is pleasure. For us and for our clients. If we are not happy, then they will not be happy - or at least not AS happy as they can be. This is about caring. We share intimate moments with those who need it. They may be paying and some may feel entitled because of it, but they are asking for us to allow them to be vulnerable with them. Let us meet them there, take care of them, and show them that it is okay to be in that space. 

My, yes, some have rougher needs than others… but don’t some of you have those same needs? Don’t some of you have the complimentary need? That’s what we’re about. We’re here to welcome, not shame.

Unless they’re an asshole in which case… leave them to me.”