Junkie's Comments

I noticed you were looking for art of Junkie:D I can do a headshot/fullbody in exchange for something? absolutely no pressure, obviously, just wondering:p

Sure! Was there another character that caught your eye? If not I wouldn't mind doing an art trade ^^

oh goodness I’d love an art trade:00 if you’re sure that’s alright. I am not as experienced with art as you and I don’t want to rip you off/undertrade or anything

but if so, you could pick any character from either the sonas/mascots or mains folder ? anyone you think you’d enjoy drawing the most^^

I don't mind at all. I've been needing to kind of draw other peoples characters since I draw nothing but my ocs lol. I'll most likely do a bust or half body shot of Farful, she seems to fit my styles vibe the most ^^ I do have another art trade so it'll be a few days before I'm finished 

okay:D! np!