Baasha Accura



4 years, 6 months ago


Baasha Accura
7 Sweeps (14 years)
5' 10"
Genderqueer (Any Pronouns)
Sburb Ypsilon
(April 5th)
200 lbs

Diagnosis: Bipolar 2, Endometriosis

Baasha is one of 4 troll characters in Sburb Ypsilon, a Homestuck fan story written by me and my friends.


Baasha - Like baa. Because she's a sheep. You know, like baa?

Accura - I actually have no idea where I got this from. I think I just wanted her initials to be BA



Baasha is on the taller side for trolls, as least for the trolls she knows, standing at 5' 10". Additionally, she's on the husky side. Her body shape is pear shapes, meaning she's kind of bottom heavy, but don't let her weight fool you. Baasha is still in good shape and quite strong. Her biceps may be plush enough to take a nap on, but they can also throw you a good distance. Baasha also has kinky black hair cut into a chin-length bob and with bangs styled after Sally Brown from the Peanuts. She has cute, chubby cheeks, a flat nose, and her eyes has started to turn a desaturated burgundy now that she's older. Unlike other non-gold-blooded trolls, she has two sets of horns. Or at least, it appears that way. I guess if I wanted to stay canon-compliant I could suggest that under her hair the two points are actually connected and come from one root, but that sounds cured. They're based on jacob sheep. The first pair extend from the top of her head, curving back and to the outside slightly. The second protrude from the side, a bit behind and above her ear. They stick out a bit to not disturb her ears and then curve down, around her head, poke through her hair, and to come to a point in front of her chin, below her mouth.

In most of her depictions, Baasha is shown wearing a very layered outfit. It starts with red long sleeve shirt, a black hoodie, and a vest. The vest has an abundance of details, including gold buttons on the shoulder, a folded collar, folded cuffs a breast pocket on the left side, two hand pockets, and inner pockets. It does not appear to close, not that it could over her hoodie will occasionally have her signs on the right side. Additionally, she has a burgundy bandanna tied around her neck that Under all this, she wears a red skirt which more often has her sign on the right side. It's held up by a utility belt with even more carrying space and a triangle shape on the front. Under this she also wears some fleece tights with rips up and down the front. And finally she has her steel toed boots with more straps. Baasha tends to wear similarly layered outfits with different combinations of tops, bottoms, jackets, hoods, pockets, and face coverings. Generally she favors anything with good carrying capacity, insulation, and anti-face recognition since her look is based off of protesters from Occupy Wall Street. Of course, Baasha has all of her usual Homestuck wear too: Derse pajamas, god tier heir of heart with wings, ect. She can also be seen with her strife sylladex of choice, a 6-foot, gold-colored shepherd's crook


Baasha is an alto, with a lower voice than most girls she age. She speaks in a highly animated and dramatized tone of voice. She'll lean strongly into whatever emotion or persona fits the stage, almost as if she's narrating a very interesting story. Even when she's bored or disinterested, instead of being flat or monotone, she'll sound more wistfully and sentimental. There's really never a dull moment listening to her and she's almost well spoken. Perhaps, she's about half articulate. She'll will commonly utilize a very diverse vocabulary, yet just as often will interject with slang, contractions, or misused words. For this reason, Baasha can be a little difficult to understand. Clearly, she has a very complex topic she understands very well, but she's just shy of being coherent enough to actually communicate it. Which is a shame, because the theatrical soliloquy she's spin into can be quote poetic and thought provoking. But if you try and have a long discussion with her, you might end up frustrated she can't represent her ideas too clearly. She's no debater, more of a lyricist

Baasha speaks in a dialect called African American Vernacular English. It is a complicated dialect that despite reading numerous resources and trying my very best, I do not understand at all. Anyways, Baasha has the accent, including many features. First of all, she reduces some consonant sounds. "th" will become "d". If preceded by m or n, "th" becomes "t" and if follow by an r "th" becomes "f" (they becomes dey, month becomes mont, throat becomes froat). She will also reduce the end of words, where "-st" becomes "-ss" and "-l" becomes "-uh"(fast becomes fass, steal becomes steauh). "-r" may become "-uh" or "-oh" (sister becomes sister, door becomes doh). Moreover, Baasha will flatted diphthongs so that her tongue does not move while speaking (my becomes mah). When n or m precede a vowel, the nasal from the consonant to the vowel. Lastly that I'll mention, Baahsa will switch the stresses of miscellaneous tag words (poLICE becomes PO-lice, juLY becomes JU-ly). I don't understand parts of what I've just described. I have elected to have Baasha refrain from using too much vocabulary from this dialect as I am not a hip or with-it person. And she uses almost none of the or grammar from AAVE because it has like 8 tenses and I similarly do not understand it. Like I said, this is all canonically true of Baasha, but it may not be used very often in conversation or content since I'm dumb

Baasha'a typing quirk has her putting every other sentence in parenthesis or whenever she wants to make an aside. Her text color is #A10000 and her trollian handle is lordLies

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. (The dog was being a lil' shit anyways)"



Baasha is a fun, theatrical character who gets very invested in the things she's interested in. For instance, her initially passive interest in sci-fi novels evolved into a character defining passion that influenced parts of her personality. Baasha similarly takes pages from other things she likes. Her pension for tonally unique narration comes from listening to radio broadcasts and her appearance is totally based off of her favorite characters. She wears her interests on her sleeve and she acts out things she thinks are fun, without explanation or apology. She's constantly referencing things, talking about stuff, and breaking into character. She's just a passionate person. Baasha may be the older side to start her SBURB adventure, but she is still young. She's really just a teenager who's experiencing everything for the first time and that's exciting.

On the other hand, Baasha doesn't express her excitement in a very noticeable way. From the outside, Baasha presents as very cool, chill, and almost stoic person. She's lowkey, easy-going, and cheery, even when inappropriate for the situation or her environment. Any interest she expresses in things seems kind of disingenuous or ironic. Without knowing, Baasha sounds distant or critical of everything she talks about, which leads others to a vastly different interpretation of her words. It's sort of like hearing someone say "X story is really cool, even if the second half is a total slog." It sounds as if the person is contributing their first statement, being critical, or feels the need to clarify that they don't like the story that much. But in actually, Baasha would say this, not as an attempt to knock the story, but just because it's something she likes and she wants to talk about it, expressing all of the thoughts she can, even the bad ones. In this way, Baasha can be easily misinterpreted and misunderstood. Not even limited to her hobbies, Baasha's intentions can often be lost when it comes to her relationships, plans, opinions, feelings, just about everything. Usually everyone is just a step to the left of what she's actually trying to say and it definitely does lead to some miscommunication. This doesn't end with just happiness either. Baasha, for as cheery as she can be, is not very in touch with her emotions. Her relationship with Zebeeb is a prime example and although it's not written, it surely influenced the SBURB session as well.

Even still, Baasha makes a great companion. She's funny, friendly, and cool to hang out with. She's ambivert enough to go out and get loud or stay in and sit quietly. She has no trouble introducing herself to and bonding with other people, even of different castes. Her confident, casual nature makes her attractive and approachable. And when she's really attached or committed to someone, they'll have her full attention. She might even become a bit clingy. She really values being able to rely on people and being comfortable around each other. That being said, there can be a problem with her being a bit egocentric and bad at listening. Baasha doesn't always keep an ear open to her friend's thoughts. She tends to be inconsiderate, assuming that people are interesting in whatever she wants to do. She's not neglectful or unsympathetic or anything. She absolutely cares about her friends and their problems. She's just self-absorbed. Her perspective is squarely focused on herself and it makes her dismissive and difficult to talk to at times. Sometimes you just have to shout to really get through to her, but after that she'll make it up to you.

While Baasha is often characterized as shouting anti-government platitudes with no intention of effecting real change, she is still fairly rebellious and adventurous. She may not have a specific cause to fight for, but she's more than motivated to find herself some entertainment. Baasha is aware of the classist, totalitarian nature of her world and she understands the sociology of Alternia very well. This allows her to detach herself from the meaningless in-group-out-group mentality and look at society from a more objective point of view. She doesn't really value Alternian laws, values, or ideas. In fact, she vocally criticizes them. But that doesn't mean she's any kind of activist or anarchist. While she certainly echos the attitudes of those groups, Baasha struggles to find any real meaning in either action. She's too much of a nihilist. Following the "rules" of any category just doesn't factor into her thinking. Her morals, opinions and perspectives exist outside of the culture she was born it, or at least as much as they can. She largely carves out her out path, acting without concern for whatever would stop others. She'll do some light shop-lifting. She'll throw shit at a drone. She'll shit talk the Condense online. And she's certainly not above petty acts of rebellion and anarchy at times. She likes to get in a bit of trouble and do things she's not supposed to do so she's down for whatever. Of course, she's not gonna get herself into any actual like, big trouble or make waves, at least not knowingly. Baasha has no intention of being culled. Mama Sheep would not approve and Baasha respects Mama too much to put her daughter in danger. But she will refuse to do the dishes sometimes so take that mom

Overall Baasha is a capable, daring, attractive young woman. She may somewhat aloof or reserved at times, but she's animated and passionate about many things. She sees the world in a way not many people do and that confidence seeps into every aspect of herself. Baasha does what she wants with little regard for anything else, for better and worse. She's not afraid to take potshots at forces much bigger than her, nor is she hesitant to make a fool of herself. Her dramatic disregard for anything besides whatever she's interested in in in that moment make her a fun, borderline ridiculous character that's fun to see talk to herself.


The most prominent flaw of Baasha's is that while she wears the appearance and attitude of a socially-conscious protester, she lacks any substance. Despite her blood, Baasha put no value in activism. Whether this is caused by nihilism or disillusionment, it leads her to treat dystopia more like a game. Instead of focusing on the inhuman consequences of systematic oppression, Baasha's world is just a fun setting for her to run around and play hero in, not unlike her favorite stories and books. She's a rebel just for kicks now. And her disregard the effect of her actions highlights her selfishness. Not only does she seem unbothered by the persecution of others, but her pretend civil disobedience has consequences for people around her as well. As mentioned before, Baasha tends to be a bit on the selfish-side. More often than not, she pushes her friends to participate in whatever she wants to do in that moment without asking for their opinion. While normally only rude and harmlessly, this becomes a problem when Baasha's hobbies include openly criticizing and taking out against a totalitarian regime. She certainly boasts to know what she's doing and dismisses any concern, but Baasha is short-sided to say the least. She doesn't think through the consequences of her actions and is easily blind-sided by things she should have seen coming. Ultimately, Baasha endangers both her friends and herself and she does it for no real reason since she's just a protester for funsies

That's not to mention how shallow her criticism can be. Baasha is actually very knowledgeable about the culture she lives in and how it operates, but she has trouble expressing that expertise in a "productive" way, let's say. Baasha is that one person everyone in a marginalized group hates who misrepresents their arguments and lets her friends say slurs. Baasha isn't allowed to speak at the protests. The ones she doesn't actually go to. Truthfully, Baasha is not well equipped to handle serious topics, because she doesn't take much of anything very seriously. Usually, she denied anything of having meaning, "Love is just a chemical reactions and troll Christopher Columbus committed genocide," but she sometimes just gets bored. I describe Baasha as capable, not as mature. She's able to be responsible, but chooses not to be. She may be very intelligent, but she's also childish and naive. She lets herself hyperfocus on her interests and lacking in emotional intelligence. While not indifferent to the feelings of her friends or purposefully dismissive, she is careless and very bad at listening. This is a particularly unfortunate characteristic as Baasha does have a very natural leadership ability. She's the first to suggest a plan of action and the most likely have the group follow her command. She's decisive. assertive, and self-assured. But she's also a dumbass who really shouldn't be in charge. She is rife with potential criticism, but isn't attentive enough to others to hearken their advise. Moreover, she's certainly not reflective enough to improve herself either. Baasha is the blind captain who will confidently sail the ship to the bottom of the sea, even while her navigator tries to warn her about the rocks ahead.


If I haven't mentioned it enough, Baasha is really into sociology, or at least the version of sociology used in sci-fi and dystopia. She keeps a variety of underground movies and novels around her room that she quotes and references often, despite no one recognizing. She has a very nihilistic worldview and likes to talk about social ills. But she likes to play the role of the rebel to society and resist the oppression, man! This ranges from refusing to wash this single (1) fork to sensational speeches mid-conversation, invoking both the voice of troll Shakespeare and hacker slang. Thankfully, her friends are aware of how dramatic she can be. Baasha, like most trolls her age, also spends a decent amount of time online. She's particularly fond of forumns and message boards. But she tries not to be too mainstream so she also likes radio broadcasting. She doesn’t mind podcasts but they just don’t do it for her the same way. Radio shows are all about speaking the truth and the music, man. Baasha is very skilled in throwing or hooking things. Common applications of this include playing ring toss with Momma sheep’s horns, using her crook to grab far away drinks, and hula hooping like a beast. Her fetch modus is ringtosskind. It requires her to throw a ring at the item she would like to take out. The difficult varies depending on the size of the object and where i it. Whatever the ring catches is what she gets. Bassha also has a lot of experience climbing thanks to Momma sheep. and with her wool also taught her how to spin and loom. She knows how to sew and knit but has never been very interested in it and so she sends the wool to Dana and Kitt for their use.



Like all trolls, Baasha was hatched in the brooding cavern and cared for by jade trolls until the baby trials. After she survived, she was adopted by a large woolbest who's come to be affectionately referred to as Momma Sheep. Baasha lives in a tall house, beyond the suburbs of the nearest town, but not far enough to enter agriculture fields with working lowbloods. Her room is a loft on the top floor with a cute reading nook, a large circle window, and easy access to the roof for anti-government shouting. When Momma sheep is home from her errands and things, she stays on the ground floor but she has a very comfortable area surrounding her laying spot. There's a big rug with pillows, a place for Baasha to watch TV, some rings for them to play with, she's close to the kitchen for snacks and close to the stairs for braying. It's very homey. They spend a lot of time together. Momma cares for her baby. Comfort the baby. Sooth baby. lay on baby. Baa. Baasha's home is kind of nice and relaxed from most burgundy bloods, especially since she lives notably close to midbloods and even some highbloods. I'm unsure why that is. Perhaps she's just lucky or maybe she has a good con going. Nevertheless this is the environment her story starts in.

On an old board that's no longer active that she met Kitt in a heated argument about dystopian literature. They've been border-line-black friends ever since. Additionally, of her neighbors, Baasha lives and is closest to Zebeeb. They've known each other for a while and fluctuate between quadrants because both are bad at communicating and interpreting signals. Baasha introduced Zeb to Kitt, who then introduced Zeb to Dana and the two got alone famously. Baasha knew Kier and Kier knew Dutaya. Dutaya was moirails with Nashir who's matesprits with Ayla who's moirails with kier and actually already knew Baasha and the two of them clotheslined Nashir into joining and Badda Bing Badda Boom you gotta group chat of stupid teenagers.

Having contact between trolls and humans early on had some interesting effects on the group. While neither was aware that they were talking to aliens or that they might be considered aliens, there was still a lot of culture shock. A lot of the time, they just shrugged off as odd comment as a joke, but other times, someone took the time to actually explain a cultural idea. You can see a lot of this cross-culture influence in everyone. Humans were taught about black romance and quadrants. Some of them even have kismesis. Trolls were taught human things. This is how Momma sheep got her Earth name and where a lot of Baasha's anti-government ideas came from. The two groups exchange a lot such as books, words, holidays (Baasha is particularly fond of Christmas), and so on. All without figuring out that they were on different planets. The trolls thought they were talking to some weird mutant albinos or something. Who knows why they haven't been culled yet. The humans figured these kids just came from a less democratic country with weird beauty standards. Hard to say whether they're very open-minded or just dumb. Either way, Dana introduced the chat to her a fun, new game called SBURB and they were all very surprised to see their friends had a much different skin tone and amount of bone protruding their heads than they initial thought.

Baasha entered as Zebeeb's client player and Kier's server player. By the time they had gotten to her, she'd began to understand the deal with prototyping these sprites, so she put in a stuff teddy bear (given to her by her human friends) with no dangerous abilities. The plan almost worked until one of her beloved dystopian novels accidentally fell in as the sprite's second prototyping and Teddysprite took on a more sinister side. Now dubbed Orwellsprite, it gave out information in twisted riddles, frequently tried to trick or kill Baasha, made convoluted plans to take over the world, and was generally unpleasant and conniving. Even with her devious sprite trying to foil her, Baasha did manage to enter the medium and eventually her world, the Land of Jewels and Reflections.

The Land of Jewels and Reflects is a large open gem mine complete with dark stone surroundings, the occasional mine track, and some waterways. The problem is these gems are huge. Some are also a few feet in size but some are as big as 15 stories tall. They give off strong light and reflect whatever they see in a variety of contorted shapes and colors. Paths go off into caves and water drips from the ceiling, falling into cracks. There are slugs moving slowly around the area, busy mining the gems that are far too big for them. However the equipment they’re using seems like it's fallen into disrepair, is missing, or broken. Its unclear if the slugs have just been working so long and so slow that the wood has rotted or they’re relics of a previous species.

Baasha's house is placed in a wide, open area of the cavern. There are splintering tunnels, but more notably is an impossibly wall, packed densely with Jewels. It appears this was the center of the mine's operations and plenty of scaffolding follows the wall up. Baasha determines to use this old structure to ascend the wall towards the next gate. It sounds easier than it is. The scaffolding is unstable, prone to rot, and only goes so high. It's hardly a good setting for strife and before too long, Baasha has to free climb the rest of the way up. She impressively makes it passed halfway until disaster strikes. Baasha becomes trapped in a small enclave in the wall with the entrance completely blocked. She, of course, begins calling out to others for help, but is soon without any way to contact the others. She remains closed in and unaccounted for a long period of time while her other players descend into chaos. Dana is useless until her planet's quest decides to kick into gear. Ayla is delirious from dehydration and insomnia. Kier might have been injured, but who knows because Kitt says they saw them killing Dana??? Everything is going to shit, not that Baasha really knows because she's stuck in a hole!

Baasha's quest involved putting her in a frustrating situation to force her to confront her emotions. Her land is design to force her to reflect on herself. Instead of nihilistically dismissing or downplaying her feelings and actions, she has to acknowledge them. She has understand herself, what she thinks, what she does, what she needs, and what she wants. She has to get closer to the powers of heart and utilize those emotions to get out! Baasha escapes her hole when she get's mad enough to throw a tantrum and rams down the walls with her horns, because no troll ever actually uses their horns. In doing so, she finds a new path to the top of the wall instead of climbing it by hand the hard way. With tears finally flowing from her eyes, she travels quickly through the caves and caverns of her planet until she finds where she needs to be and rejoins the group.

Later on Baasha ascends to God tier Heir of Heart, possibly at the behest/beheading of Kier. Subsequently, the players all go to confront the final boss together, minus Kitt who disappeared for a time and reentered and Knight of Mind to win the day. After Baasha's quest, she comes a more open and reflective person and puts this change into practice immediate. Not only is she more explicit about her feelings, but she also starts taking the time to improve herself and become a better person and friend. She's more hopeful in her ability to effect change and becomes more action-oriented. And she even talks to Zeb about their relationship and what she wants from it. At the end of the session, the players make their new world and rule as gods while enjoying their new existence.


Baasha is influenced by Alternian culture because that is where she grew up and she can never truly be rid of that influence. That being said, she has largely dismissed the values and attitudes of her upbringing. Instead, Baasha is very fond of Earth culture. While remaining critical, objective, and pessimistic as is her her want, she just likes the ideas of democracy, individuality, and so on. She's also really into Christmas, like very passionate about Santa Claws. Baasha is also coded by a black character. She has kinky hair, speaks in a version of AAEV, and comes from a disadvantaged group. I try and research and understand the cultures I attempt to represent well, but of course do not pretend to have any faith in my execution so I don't know how well she fits the part, but I like the way she speaks and looks so that's good.


Bipolar 2

While I'm unclear how this would be accomplished in Alternian culture, Baasha's bipolar is more of a past problem. I'm sure Momma Sheep, Zebeeb, and her other friends were unfortunate participants in her hypomanic episodes, but now she's medicated and managing it just fine so that its not really a problem, but of course, does still have an impact on her life.

Hypomanic episodes

  • Decrease need of sleep
  • Increased appetite
  • Elevated mood and self-esteem
  • Increased energy
  • Potential irritability
  • Flight of ideas
  • Increase in social behavior, but less appropriate
  • Risk-seeking behavior

Depressive episode

  • Decrease appetite
  • Decrease mood, negative thinking, hopelessness
  • Decreased energy
  • Fatigue and oversleeping
  • Asocialness
  • Anhedonia

Momma Sheep

Bassha and her lusus have a really great relationship. They spend a lot of time together and are very close. Baasha is very open with her mom, talking about her problems, sharing her interests, and feeling free to act silly around her. Momma Sheep can be a bit on the ditsy-side but she's one of the few lusus who actually provide for her troll. She'll mozzey out of the house to run "errands" and mozzey back in with food, provisions, and other stuff she think her daughter will like. Momma also makes sure that Baasha is as happy and healthy as can be and can be a little doting at time. Often she is mutely and cutely nagging Baasha to take better care of herself, but sometimes she will take a more direct approach and pick up her baby by the neck of her clothes and carry her around. Momma Sheep also thinks it is important to sooth and care for your child and she accomplishes this by putting a nice amount of fuzzy pressure on Baasha to keep her calm and safe. Baasha finds it unnecessary and kind of bothersome that her mom lays on top of her all the time, but she's more than used to it. She'll just grab a book or her phone and chill until Momma wants to let her out. Baasha really has a whole set up made so that she can be comfy around her mom and so that she can take care of her in return. Baasha's mom is generally pretty self-contained and content for the most part but she does require a bit of maintenance. Baasha makes sure she eats and self cares. She lets her mom feel included in her stuff and always reminds her when their out of Cheese Doodles or whatever. Most importantly, Baasha has to shear Momma so that her wool does't grow out of control. Together they can make a nice sweater.


Zebeeb is Baasha's neighbor and closest friend. They spend a lot of time together for better or worse since they can be a bit of a disastrous pair. Baasha really likes Zeeb, like way more than any of her other friends. She's always great to be around, they have really cool interests, she known them forever, and she thinks their funny and awesome as hell. She's always sure to include them in whatever she's up to, sometimes unintentionally by force, and she down to chat whenever. The problem is that Baasha tends to be a bit impulsive and inconsiderate, where as Zeb is a little less spontaneous and perhaps a bit sensitive. Often times, Baasha will cross Zebeeb's boundaries or make them uncomfortable without realizing it. Even when she's told, she doesn't understand the severity of what's being told to her and acts kind of dismissive, but we've already established that Baasha is bad at listening. The result is that Zebeeb is a bit defensive about their boundaries and really most other things. While there are many times Baasha has actually done something to spur Zebeeb's cattiness, there are probably an equal number of times where Zeb is just being persnickety about nothing. If you ask Baasha, that balance is awfully skewed. They may be pale now, but with as mad as Zebeeb gets at her over nothing, Baasha is pretty sure Zeeb wants to be black. She's trying to follow suit by being more distributive and snide about things, but for all the pranks she pulls on her neighbor to push them towards kismesis like they want, Zebeeb doesn't seem to retaliate at all? Like Baasha will mess with their hedges or something and they'll get mad, right, and then that's it. Baasha feels like she's doing all the work here or maybe she's just misreading these signs? It seems very clear to her that Zebeeb doesn't like her that much so what is she doing wrong?


Kitt is Baasha's best friend after Zebeeb. If those two don't end up as moirails then Kitt would probably take the honor. Kitt is kind of weird and they come from some really far off place. Or at least Baasha assumes so since they don't seem to know much of anything about the hemospectrum, or really anything. That's ok though because wherever Kitt is from is really cool. Kitt tells her all about it when she asks so she knows about moms and girlfriends and school and Christmas. More importantly, Kit showed her all these cool books and movies. She thinks something might have been lost in translation but that's ok because they're still wicked. Kitt knows a lot about a bunch of different things and she has some really hard opinions on silly stuff. It feels like she's always trying to argue or nag her about something, but that's ok because Baasha is never the type to back down from a fight. Usually, she just confuses or derails the conversation since she can't debate for shit but she doesn't know that so she feels like she's winning. It's hard to tell whether Kit enjoys hanging out with Baasha or if they find her annoying, but Baasha talking too much about something to really notice.


Baasha doesn't know Dana too well. She more of a mutual friend, one who doesn't have the best opinion on Baasha based on what she's heard from Zebeeb. Still, they get along just fine. They bond over the textile arts and have good banter int eh group chat. Elsewise they don't seem out each other's company


Kier and Baasha are about as chaotic a dynamic as you can get. It's two chaotic neutrals with questionable fashion sense put together. They can and will burn the town red as the saying goes. As I write this I imagine they in a flexing competition or running from the cops. Both being very extroverted, they met in various places online and became quick friends. Together they dragged in all of their other friends into the group chat as it is today. They also both head up positions as the decisive friend who ends up picking out everything for the rest of their indifferent or shy friends. OF course, Kier is a lot more emotionally intelligent than Baasha so they can often help Baasha with her relationships or reign her in when need be. Some tension likely arose during the time in which Kier was killing all their friends, but they got over it. They get along swimmingly and while they have never been int he same place together, if they could they would spend a lot of time together just fucking around and causing trouble.


If I remember correctly, Dutaya is on the shy side and is very nervous of other people, so I don't know if loud and politically opinionated Baasha is really the easier relationship for either of them. Still, I don't think they have anything against each other. Baasha might get impatient and careless with his feelings, but I'm sure with time they'll get closer with time. If Baasha can have a relationship with Zebeeb then she can manage one with Dutaya if he wants it. The group chat probably helps, even if be might not speak a lot there. Kier probably helps more than anything since Kier is the intelligent social butterfly of the group. Maybe they would bond best in SBURB combat. That doesn't require much talking, just combat and neither are shy about that.


Baasha really doesn't like him. She thinks he's a narcissistic ass and he doesn't go out of his way to change that opinion because Nashir can't really be bothered with other people. Baasha targets his status as a highblood for insults and quick jabs. Who knows what Nashir says in return. They get along as much as they have to since they share a space, but even that is tenuous at best.


No established relationship as of yet

Narrative Ideas


Baasha's main act is meant to revolve around learning to take strength from her friends and connect with her emotions. By acknowledging how she feels and what she wants, she strengthens her relationships and uses emotion-based powers

Also Baasha is a sheep. Her mom is a sheep. Her hair is like wool. She uses a shepherd's crook. She has another strife syllabus for shearing tools. She looms. She uses her horn to ram down something at some point. She says Ba. Her name is Baa. Her initials are BA. She's sheep.

Her colors are usually burgundy red because that's her blood type, as well as pink and purple for heart. I like to incorporate black with gold accents for her as well.

Baasha's theme is Feel Good Inc. by the Gorrillaz, preferably the acoustic piano cover by ThePandaTooth

The Land of Jewels and Reflection's theme is Kinetik by Phutureprimative. The Theme went Baasha is trapped changes to Ephemeron by Com Truise

Influences and References

Many parts of Baasha's character are based on the protesters. Most notably, her appearance is meant to mirror Occupy Wall street. My older sister participated in the protesters while I was younger and passed on some tips and tricks about what to wear to keep warm during the cold weather and how to protect yourself from assault and gas if need be. Additionally, Baasha's views on troll society and the oppression of lowbloods uses language from Black Lives Matter and draws other comparisons with race relations in America. You can probably find other references to other movements around as well

The other big source of reference with Baasha is sci-fi and dystophian stuff. Her handle, LordLies, is a reference to Lord of the Flies. She frequently uses the phrase "Momma Sheep is watching" like "Big Brother is watching" from 1984. She also has a book called 915, which is 1984 in sweeps. When entering a new place, I have it down that she will at least once say something about a Brave New World. Her ancestor was going to be called the Handmaid for the Handmaid's Tale before that was taken. Sometimes she would refer to her home as the Sheep or Animal Farm. I don't have to explain what's going on with Orwellsprite's name, but it absolutely says, "I can't let you do that" at least once. Perhaps I could work in something about Baasha being interested in the Earth location called Brazil or maybe the troll equivalent of Fahrenheit 415 is like, the temperature at which lowblood houses burn. And so on and so forth.

Possible Ideas

Baasha's classpect, Heir of Heart, was originally conceived when Heart was thought to be about emotional power. Baasha was supposed to be influenced by the emotions of others and use them to effect change. Her friends were supposed to help her change and improve herself with Zebeeb being the primary character focus. Then she would turn around and use the feelings of others as power, sometimes by being a good friend. Now that Homestuck has expanded the idea of Heart to revolve more about personal insight, this classpect doesn't really fit Baasha's story or character. She should probably change to Heir of Blood or perhaps hope, since that's come up several times while writing her bio. I think Hope would probably be a better fit now actually. Baasha is interested in politics but lacks the conviction to actually protest. She find trying to discover meaning in things difficult so she resigns herself to pessimistic nihilism. She can't understand her own emotions or relationship so she ends up dismissing them. It's possible she believes that people don't like her very much but feels that's simply an inevitability of her existence and so tolerates. She doesn't take much of anything serious because she lacks the tenacity to deal with serious topics. If she were to gain some form of inspiration or feel like her actions had the potential to effect things then most of her problems would be solved and she'd be a new, improved person. She'd inherent or become Hope, you know, like an heir. Of course this session already has a hope player, so I don't know what'd be done about that.

Additionally, while writing this I've discovered that I maybe don't like Baasha that much. Not like, I don't like her character. I love her like I love all my characters, but I consistently have more bad things to say about her than good. It took me some time to edit her Personality and Flaws sections to be equally balanced. And her first 3 relationships all include asides about someone potentially not liking her. I'd like to explore this further to see why it is I write her this way. I could potentially add consequences for it. Perhaps Baasha actually has low self-esteem that she hasn't recognized and assumes most people don't like her. Or I could correct it and talk about her in different terms. I'm not sure right now

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