


4 years, 6 months ago


24797771_4BwQvXufobuR7es.png?1595635095Yzel is a lovecraftian demon crow who eats eyes. No one knows where he comes from, or what type of creature he really is, only that he's probably ancient. The eyes he eats can manifest on any part of his body, and become "corrupted", being able to see the truth about anything. He can see the future, but doesn't tell anyone about it. The only thing he often speaks to mortals are ominous profecies about the end of the world, death, and anything to disturb weaker minds. Yzel is Nick's pet. He was released by her from a million years old prison, in which he was put by powerful witches, for being a menace with his future visions.

Yzel has a cocky personality, considering himself superior to most creatures, and often treating humans with disdain. He finds joy in terrorizing people, and likes to disguise as a normal crow, only to eat eyes while people sleep, or suddenly turning into his true demonic form and say something frightening. He considers himsef better than others for knowing cosmic truths and other worlds that humans couldn't even imagine existed. Yzel would probably consider himself some sort of god. However, to the unknown gods that exist in other dimensions, he's not as powerful as he thinks.