


4 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Lami (pronounced like Lammy), Aria, Nari




Laminaria is a huge cursed mimix with a mysterious nature. Once she arrived to Midveil, she settled in a big swampy part of the land, full of trees with winding roots and creatures lurking beneath the murky waters, back then uninhabitied by others. Of course, many years passed, and she has been appointed the so-called 'ruler' of that very swamp waters by the local Midveilers who had set up homes near the edges of the forest swampland, thought there are few that venture deep enough into the swamp to be even able to spot a glimpse of her. 

She has been called a Midveiler-devouring monster, a witch of the bog, a frightening medusa that can turn you into stone with one stare! But in truth, she is none of those things. She goes along with her numerous titles and doesn't go out of her way to dispel the rumors, even meeting with desperate Midveilers who seek her wisdom or hope for her to grant them a wish (those ones are a little troublesome). She is no miracle-maker, but she has long resided in the lands and is willing to part some words of wisdom to any Midveiler that seeks her out. Her stature is intimidating, her words sometimes confusing, her way of speaking alluring, but at the end of the day her nature is good and just, at least to those that have good and honest intentions in return (and those who do not... well...).