


4 years, 8 months ago


Age: 25

Personality: tries to be cool, calm, and collected, doesn't like fighting and is very good at teleporting away. he wears clothes he 'found' to make it seem like he has a trainer so that he can wander around towns freely without worry of someone trying to catch him. he can be very protective of younger or weaker pokemon. he also has abandonment issues 

History: hatched alone in the wild, he never had parents or family, nor has he ever been caught by a trainer. hes never had a home and most friends he made were temporary before he moved to a new area. he was found as a Ralts by Darkrai, who became his adoptive father, until a vicious fight against a trainer killed Darkrai.

his father had told him to run, but ghill only went a small distance, and watched the whole thing. he blames himself for not bein able to do anythin to protect his father.

Moveset: Night Slash, Leaf Blade, Teleport, Wide Guard, Shadow Sneak

Other: someone help him figure out how he could wear a cowboy hat he deserves it 

5'2 to the top of his head, 5'7 incl. horn