test, not a character



4 years, 7 months ago


art by @Kyitzel on da


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean laoreet felis mauris, sit amet accumsan velit elementum non. Donec eu metus non lorem ornare sagittis.

Praesent ut maximus dui. Aliquam venenatis aliquam massa, vulputate hendrerit elit pharetra nec. Aenean magna ante, congue id euismod non, feugiat eget nibh. Nam in ipsum in dolor posuere auctor. Nullam blandit enim pellentesque elit consectetur ultricies. Nam quis enim condimentum metus mattis ultrices id vitae erat. Curabitur purus orci, gravida eu justo sed, aliquam malesuada mauris. Praesent vitae eros aliquam, placerat risus id, bibendum mauris. Sed eget odio vitae quam blandit vehicula. Ut quam lorem, feugiat et sem vitae, sagittis cursus felis. Vivamus non magna sit amet justo faucibus egestas nec ut metus. Vestibulum et hendrerit erat, at tempor tortor. Vivamus porta commodo sollicitudin.

Name Wild
Age 13
Gender Demigender
Orientation Questioning
Occupation Single
  • Almost always wearing a hoodie
  • There is a 89% that their earbuds are in their hoodie pocket
  • Ear tufts are not optional
  • Shorter than average
  • Average weight
Just be glad I didn't put musicals on the class playlist.
Img caption/credit can go here
Q: A penny for your OC's thoughts?

Wild: Since polar bears are white on the ice, if you put them on grass, would they be green?

Q: So what is your greatest achievement? And what do you hope to achieve in the future?


I’m not sure what my greatest achievement is. Sure, I’ve done stuff I’m proud of, but nothing really stands out to me. I hope that one day I’ll get to act in a musical on Broadway. It’s my biggest dream.
Q: What keeps you up at night?

Wild: “Am I gay?”

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"Insert a short sentence or opinion here."
"Insert a short sentence or opinion here."

Stitches Shawn Mendes
Can’t Hold Us Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (feat. Ray Dalton)
La Da Dee Cody Simpson
1901 Phoenix
The Smartphone Hour Be More Chill
Sincerely Me Dear Evan Hansen