


4 years, 6 months ago


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name joji
species lion
age 27
gender male
pronouns he/him
height 6'2
status single
occupation author
song by

perfectionist . educated . independent . short-tempered

Joji is a very polite, conserved individual that indulges in the art of literature quite often. Throughout his life he has looked up the authors and studied countless works that have made impacts on society. He always dreamed of becoming someone that others could look up to the same way he looked up to the brillient authors before his time, so he took up creative writing in seconary school which eventually led to his career as a successful author. His work is mainly focused on fantasy and sci-fi novels, which highlight many issues in todays society. He gives readers the opportunity to reflect on their way of life and how they could possibly make a change for the better. His readers look up to him the way he someday hoped they would, but now that it's become a reality it isn't enough to satisfy the author. He tends to set almost impossible goals for himself, never feeling like he is doing enough. This takes a toll on him physically and mentally as he devotes every waking second to his work, writing, revising and editing it. He currently has 10+ polished novels that he won't release to the public because he feels that they could be better, even though he has spent countless hours perfecting each one. Needless to say he is quite the perfectionist. Though Joji is outwardly a very calm and kind being, but internally he is a ticking time bomb. He has a very short fuse and a naturally terrible temper that consumes all rational thought as it bubbles to the surface. Thankfully he doesn't hurt others in his fury, but is prone to break items and accidentally injure himself from time to time.

  • reading/researching
  • writing
  • traveling
  • podcasts
  • clutter
  • alcohol
  • surprises
  • leaky pens

  • joji picked up writing in high school, later majoring in it in college.
  • he enjoys deep diving in concepts, history, culture, etc. it gives him inspiration to write and create.
  • he doesn't have many close friends since graduating college, most days are spent in coffee shops and libraries reserching and writing. places he's a regular at recognize him and employees chat sometimes, he enjoys the small talk.
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monroe student

joji was the reason monroe picked up writing and journaling. he taught them everything he knows about the profession, eventually helping them secure the job they have now as a news journalist.

Name Relationship

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Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus. Integer vitae justo eget magna. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo.