Fresno 'Nightcrawler'



4 years, 6 months ago


- fresno 'nightcrawler' (fres) is regarded as the leader of the crew, but his reserved demeanor compared to woods however... makes a lot of outsiders think of the former as just a regular member. he is a withdrawn and unwilling strategist, a mediator and a good-hearted crew chief who looks out for his fellow cryptid companions

- no paws and paw pads (only nubs), has a skull for a head (with his signature fresno hair sticks coming out of each side of the skull), keep the back spots to a maximum of 5 and make them large

- he has two forms; a hybrid dog form and his cryptid form! the former has a spot surrounding each eye and the latter has only one which is on the right

- is both bulky and fluffy. :)