Ingva Dragonbrand's Comments

hey i was interested in offering money for a few of your babes (i just got access to my paypal again!!) and was wondering on her ideal pricing?

hii! I'd be happy to let her go for $30! :]

how much for her and vespa together? ^^

as a voucher, vespa would be $45, so $75 in total!

i’ll do that! but as a voucher? what does that mean (unless it’s just via gift card instead of paypal?)

Still via paypal and all! :] Vouchers are typically the payment going to someone else for an adopt/comm etc and not to me directly! There's an artist I'm about to comm so it's perfect timing really - but I need to gather payments for both designs you're interested in, in one place anyway to pay them lmao so I realise now it's a moot point BUT EITHER WAY

You can send the money here - (don't forget to set it to usd and goods & services with no shipping required!)

I'll transfer them both over once you've paid!

4 Replies