Custom/Art Examples's Comments

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Oh I love Chemex and King omg :00

Oh I love Chemex and King omg :00

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This dude! And that's alright ^-^

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This user's account has been closed.

I could offer a fullbody and a chibi/headshot (I don't have any chin examps but I'll send a sketch and if you're not pleased I'll substitute a headshot)

4 Replies

I’m extremely interested I really love your art !

I’m actually wanting like 2-3 <.< 💖

I can offer from any folders just not anyone in my mascots since highly tentative and dear to me ;-;

Some here plus even selling

Plus I have which is side acc

(just make a list if any interest ) <3 And I can see who can do for the trade 

I'm so sorry, the only one character that interested me was the cozypunk design but I understand they're forever homed. Thanks for offering though!

Ooh hell but alrighty ty !