


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Name Meaning

"a type of coniferous tree with a fragrant wood"



Romantic/Sexual Orientation





October 2nd, 1800


213 - 231 (during storyline)

Human Age Group Equivalent



4' 5"

Length (including tail)

about 6' 5"


Agate (mate), Twig (father, deceased), unnamed mother (deceased)

Personality Traits

Delightful, sometimes pessimistic, can be aloof, sociable, generally lovable


[Appearance: DARK charcoal grey; rich cedar red-brown and light sienna brown secondary colors; dark deep brown eyes. Significant scarring across bridge of nose from the war with Mira]

Cedar is the oldest dinquigon alive in Gale's tribe. As such, she is very frail and is under constant care and supervision by both Fawn and Agate (her mate). However, her age has granted her a lot of wisdom and memories.

Her father was the former leader of the tribe, Twig. Her mother left soon after she was born, leaving Twig to raise her alone. She never got along well with her father because of his attitude and their conflicting personalities, though she did mourn him after his imminent demise.

Agate and Glace were her childhood friends, and the three trained together as fawns. Despite having strong feelings for Agate, though, Agate and Glace were already pining for one another, so she settled for being friends with Agate. The two later became the ones to comfort Agate after her brother's death. Twig never liked Agate or her brother due to their outspoken natures, so Cedar's friendship with her only served to further strain her relationship with him.

The three survived a drought and earthquake, which brought about the demise of the Cave of Ages, an ancient dinquigon location where records were kept and non-seers could commune with the dead. Kirin later discovered that the cave had survived, but could only be accessed by a secondary entrance under the falls. Agate and Cedar are some of the only ones to know this. She was alive before and during the war with Mira, being one of those fighting in the final battle where Mira was taken down, as well as one of those who witnessed Glace's death.

She became mates years after helping her raise River, confessing her feelings after the two reminisce about Glace. Though Agate also still harbors feelings for her former mate, and Cedar accepts this and knows that Agate loves her just as much as she does him. Cedar treats River like her own child, and River loves her as much as he loves his birth mother.

She is only close with Agate, River, and Fawn, but she gets along well with the entire tribe.

Family Tree:

(grey name = deceased)



Side Notes:

-She is melaninstic.

-She suffers from severe arthritis.

-Voice Claim: Cherami Leigh

-Songs Related to Her

-Songs Related to Her and Agate