


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Name Meaning

"a very strong wind"



Romantic/Sexual Orientation



104 - 122 (during storyline)

Human Age Group Equivalent

Middle-aged adult


March 18th, 1909


4' 9"


about 6' 9"




Unnamed parents (deceased)

Personality Traits

honest, charismatic, resourceful, compassionate, overly cautious, guarded and a bit insecure in his abilities


[Appearence Notes: scars on front left leg (Fallen Spider), right side and back leg area (war with Mira)]

Gale is the leader of the tribe Kirin belongs to in the northeast. He is well-liked by his peers and tries to be as fair and just as possible in his position. Pyrite often assists him in combat-related decisions and ordeals, as she is better suited to deal with them.

When he was younger, the tribe was run by a leader named Twig. Twig was a strict follower of the dinquigon laws set forth by the ancestors to the point where those who even questioned the laws would be shunned by him. At first, many agreed with his views on the laws and how he handled others, but after he essentially led to Dusk's death, many began to question him. Gale was one of the first to speak out to others about how the laws should be followed, but others have a right to question him. After Twig's death, this view, along with his likable personality, is what led the guardians and elders to elect him to be the new leader.

He was apprehensive going into the position, but Pyrite was encouraging to him, saying he would do well. In all honestly, he believed she should have been chosen in place of him, but she insisted that she was a bit too hot-headed and reckless to be a good leader.

While he wanted to have a mate in his youth, his position as leader took priority later on, so he never really went out to seek one. However, he doesn't regret his decision, and he is happy to just be surrounded by supportive friends.

His closest friends are Pyrite, Brier, Petra, and River.


Side Notes:

-Though not officially, Gale is considered Reina's adoptive father as he raised her alone when she was found abandoned.

-Gale’s duty to his tribe as leader overshadowed his want for a mate, though he does long to have a family.

-His original name was Nexus, inspired by "The Nexus" by Amaranthe.

Voice Claim: John Mulaney