


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Name Meaning

"purity or density of color"


Agender (he/him)

Romantic/Sexual Orientation





November 13th



Length (including tail)

about 8' 2"





Personality Traits

A bit of a show-off, sometimes cold towards others, stubborn, temperamental, generally calm, determined, confident


Chroma is the current leader of the monsters that roam the forest in and around Gale's tribe's territory. His reign started nearly 50 years after Mira, the previous leader, died at the hands of Agate. However, unlike Mira, he is not interested in bloodlust or general violence. He just wants a change in the way things are, believing that the dinquigons have had the upper hand for long enough and that their laws, pride, and status have made them 'corrupt.'

His goals are to make sure that dinquigons who are unjust against monsters are punished more severely, that dinquigons and monsters alike are allowed to choose their own paths without having to follow certain laws (not just fighters, seers, omen readers, and healers; more variety), and that monsters who are not wholly evil are given the chance to defend the wilds and ally themselves with the truly good dinquigons. He also wants an actual established territory for monsters in the forest because the dinquigons act like they run the place, and he wants new laws free of dinquigon influence.

While he is essentially a villain in the eyes of the dinquigons, he himself sees himself as a hero, trying to fight towards his own goals and allow his side a chance at power. While he does bear a strong hatred against the dinquigons and their ways, he does have morals. He follows the ancient law that no dinquigon or monster should bring harm to a seer (something Mira ignored) and that no young, elderly, or frail dinquigons should be targeted. Also, he treats his followers with respect and sees each as their own individual, and treats them as such. However, if they get out of line, he is not opposed to punishment.

No one is sure exactly where he came from, what type of monster he is, or exactly how old he is. No matter what, though, he is seen as a huge threat. Not only does he possess the ability to use fire magic, but he also has extremely strong healing powers. In addition to these powers and his claws, spikes, and strength, he's a force to be reckoned with.

While not connected to any particular creatures, Agate and him seem to share some sort of strange bond.

Sometime during the events of Broken Silence, he also encounters Strix when they possess a masked tengu who is one of his followers. The two eventually gained mutual respect of one another and became close friends. However, the two parted after Strix decided to walk the astral plane for a while and never returned during Chroma's lifetime. Strix always wonders what happened to him, and he's one of the few creatures they met that stayed in their memories for millions of years.


Side Notes:

-He has thalassophobia (fear of large bodies of water).

-Chroma speaks with a form of telepathy, seeing as he has no mouth. His “voice” projects for a couple of yards around him, and the farther away one is from him, the fainter his “voice” sounds.

-He is able to secrete a flammable liquid from his skin that he can light on fire and use to attack (he mostly uses his front paws and tail for this).

-Sylus was brought to him just after the kitsune fell into the gorge by a group of kitsunes who found his. Had it not been for that, paired with his powerful healing capabilities, Sylus would have died.

-Sylus was one of his very first followers (which happened soon after they became friends), and he loved him dearly.

-His skin is similar to a salamander's but feels extremely smooth.

-He was one of the first Broken Silence characters created, and the first antagonist character created overall.

-His personality/goals were originally supposed to be similar to Mira's (ruthless, bloodthirsty, etc.), but this was later changed once he was developed more and because it seemed too sadistic.

-His design was inspired by greyhounds, Amargo from the Fossil Fighters series, and the phrase "speak no evil."

-His characterization/backstory was influenced by the song Vice Grip by Parkway Drive.

-Songs Related to Him

-Songs Related to Him and Kirin

-Songs Related to Him, Dusk, and Agate

-Songs Related to Him and Sylus

-Voice Claim: paper-mario-wiki