


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Name Meaning

"snow" in Japanese; also derived from "Yuki-onna," a snow spirit in Japanese mythology


"Demon Hunter of the North"


Demigirl (she/her)

Romantic/Sexual Orientation





December 18th


5' 8" (human) / 3' 8" (wolf)


Werewolf, or Wolf Therianthrope




Hanna (mother, deceased), Cassius (father, deceased), Therianthropes (friends/adoptive family), Collida (friend), Echo's pack (friends)


Losing her father at age 12 to a nekomata attack I'm not saying it was Alarik but it was probably Alarik, Yuki was raised solely by her mother with the other therianthropes at the base of Collida's mountain. There, she came to develop her fighting skills not only in hand-to-hand combat and as a wolf, but with a sword as well, just as her father had. Her father's death would be her main influence in wanting to become a monster hunter.

Later on in her life, at age 18, she would lose her mother to a brutal illness (likely hypothermia or pneumonia) during an especially bad winter. Her mother would leave her the sword that she would come to use in all of her fights, forged from one of Collida's feathers.

Yuki then went on to train with Collida, as the fire deity took pity on her after she was orphaned. Their pity wouldn't last long, however, as Yuki quickly came to become one of the most powerful fighters the therians had ever seen. She would use these skills to protect the mountainside from enemies and to slay the monsters that neared its borders.

This is exactly how she came into contact with Echo and her pack. As the group was traveling to seek the guidance of the fire deity, Yuki attacked Strix, believing that she was stalking and preparing to kill the group as she lingered behind them. Upon realizing that Sukani and Volt- two kitsunes who she assumed were monstrous- were also with her, she began yelling at Echo for being overly trusting. Once Echo explained their purpose, what they had been through, and why she actually wasn't all that trusting, Yuki apologized and calmed herself, reluctantly leading them to the mountain.

After talking with Collida, who reassured Yuki that the group was trustworthy, Echo and her friends would stay in the area for a while to prepare for the fight against Seraphine, whom Collida had warned them about. Collida would also inform Echo of her status as a powerful wind elemental, which intrigued Yuki.

As the pack went to say their goodbyes, Yuki realized that she desired to fight with them as they had grown close to her. Collida convinced her to leave, saying she could always return, and she went on to join Echo's pack.


Side Notes:

-Yuki could potentially live to be 100 years old.

-When her emotions are heightened in her human form (especially when she's angry), she tends to gain qualities from her wolf form temporarily (i.e. her eyes turn animalistic, her canines lengthen, and sometimes her nails become longer and pointier).

-Her distant ancestors did have traces of human blood, and she found that she has some Japanese heritage (hence her name).

-She was originally inspired by the Oina Tribe from the Okami series but has since been redesigned.

-Songs Related to Her