Lucy Nowak



7 years, 9 months ago


  • Name: Lucy Nowak
  • Gender: Cisgender female
  • Sexuality: Questioning
  • Age: 11
  • Nationality: Polish
  • Languages Spoken: Polish, English, learning German, and leading French
  • Occupation: Unemployed 
  • Other: Suffers from Becker muscular dystrophy
Lucy has been confined to a hospital bed for the majority of her life, and she's losing faith that any surgery can heal her. Because of her medical needs taking priority, she's incredibly far behind in school and has little time to study. Nonetheless, Lucy retains hope that she'll one day live a normal life. It's an innocent hope that doctors entertain out of pity for her condition, but the truth is that nobody expects her to recover. 

Her parents don't speak a word of English, and reside in the U.S. due to Lucy's visa to receive medical treatment. She's used to translating for her parents, and is always excited to show off her intelligence. Languages are one of the few subjects she's able to learn in the hospital, and she has an incredible capacity to retain information. Her favorite time of day is when she's checked on by Harold or Robin because they've agreed to teach her their native languages.