


4 years, 7 months ago


Name Kelly
Age 25
Gender Female
Occupation Friend
Classification Preference Ira
Friend Suit
Orientation Homosexual

A Stupid idiot, please stop getting hurt girl

Wants to reform the most dangerous of soulmates, even if she has to sacrifice her own wellbeing to do so. She is often injured and has a habit of jumping back into work before she is completely healed.

Personality: she's very nice and would do anything to help her soulmate friends

Of note: She spends a lot of time in the infirmary due to injuries gained from aggressive soul-mates. She will often expose herself to danger while trying to help them

Luckster -- Luckster is a soul-mate that kelly was able to successfully reform. She finds him charming and is always glad to see him when he drops by, despite soldier complaints. She's very proud of how far he's come, and is really glad that she was able to show him that not all people are bad.

Lil' Tim-Bob-- Her son! kinda...

After kelly received a series of serious injuries, she was assigned to Madlove. Despite being forcefully placed with him, she still very much cares and is doing everything she can to make him happier. Because Madlove is not inclined to violence she tends to sneak into his room to comfort him. She also is trying to teach him that forcing people to stay with you is wrong, and that he should trust that his loved ones won't leave.
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