1. Catherine Lee



9 years, 4 months ago


  • Catherine Lee

  • age 31
  • gender Genderqueer
  • alias(es) / nicknames Clarence Adams | Clare Adams | The Boston Trickster
  • role Master Assassin
  • theme Sound the Bugle - Bryan Adams

Cunning • Tenacious • Stubborn


Catherine is very intelligent, confident, and blunt. She's also hard to read at times. She's always thinking about something and usually has a plan or two up her sleeve for whatever situation she's in. On the surface, she’s polite to those around her but keeps them at a distance. She's very picky about those she lets see the “real” her. She's not good with opening up or explaining her own actions. She's used to appearing like something she's not, having spent most of her youth trying to look more like a boy and hiding her feminine appearance. Because of this, it's made her more apprehensive and wary towards those around her as she got older – and in some cases has worsened. It also doesn’t help that for most of her career as an Assassin, she’s been used to working on her own. While she can work well in groups and has shown a clear hand for leadership, she does tend to keep some details to herself. For better and for worse.

That aside, her loyalty towards people is unrivaled. She'll fight to the death to defend her friends and her allies, even if she doesn't agree or have a good relationship with them. They fight for the same cause – despite whatever disagreements they share. The Assassins and her family always come first, everything else comes after. Sometimes they coincide with one another and other times they conflict with each other. She never second guesses her peers but will instead try to help them seek a better answer to whatever questions they have. She believes that she shouldn't be wholly responsible for what happens with whoever is seeking her council, but if she can guide them to a better outcome she will. She finds that everyone has to make their own mistakes and learn things the hard way, much like she had to do. She's very harsh towards those that overlook her concerns and think they're better off without her advice. She gets irritated about stuff like that simply because she knows how that ends and wants to avoid the same heartache, or headache, that others might experience.

Once she is able to let her guard down enough to get to know people, and even after the American Revolution, she's very open towards people. She's very blunt about how she feels or thinks about a situation. She shares whatever opinions she has and enjoys having intellectual discussions with people. Sometimes, she comes off as a know-it-all because of those conversations as well. She's something akin to an overbearing mother towards those around her. Often snooping to make sure no one's in trouble or getting themselves into it and she's also there to make sure everyone's concerns are dealt with. If she can help, then she'll do whatever she can to do so.

After Charles Lee's death, Catherine is much more open about her own past and towards others. She promises Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor) that she'll always be honest with him. So she does so and expresses it towards the people around her. Feeling more freed of her own rage and angry now that there's no reason to be angry or obsessed with trying to do things her way. Her life leading up to this moment is simply personified as "she felt responsible for everything happening, tried to make Connor see it, failed to do so, tried to get revenge on Charles Lee for killing her mother, failed again, and felt wracked with guilt because she couldn't kill him". Since she let go of that anger, she doesn't see a need to live the way she used to and actually looks back on it with disdain.

Catherine is used to people addressing her as “sir” or “mister”. She’s spent her life trying to look more like a man than a woman and has gone to such extremes to even maintain the illusion to those around her – whether they know or not. She prefers male pronouns to female almost always. Her voice is a lower register as well, so it only further adds to the illusion she created. Even after people get to know her, she still prefers it. The only exception being her kids when they’re young but other than that, she knows her preferences.

"I have many names. For now, the Boston Trickster is their favorite name to call me."

height 5'6" | 167.6cm

nationality American Colonist

pronouns He/Him / They/Them

s.o. Heterosexual

dob Boston, Massachusetts 1752

alignment Lawful Good

origin Colonial America

occupation Master Assassin


  • Assassins
  • Sons of Liberty
  • Continental Army
  • Boston Brawlers
  • The Culper Ring
  • Thieves of Boston (formerly)


  • Templars
  • Haytham Kenway
  • Charles Lee
  • British Troops


  • Catherine’s gender is honestly a mess (in trying to figure it out). While she has made attempts at being feminine, she hated them and never felt like it was “enough”. She spent most of her time trying to better her life and stature in becoming more like a man. She’s put so much work into it that by the time she tried to kinda reel it in, she couldn’t. She does try to be less like it after meeting Duncan Little but has an incredibly hard time trying to reason it out in her own mind. Her final attempt in dealing with it, however, was when she stopped being called Clare Adams and went by her given name Catherine Lee.
    • She was very used to being called by male pronouns and likenesses. Such as "sir", "mister", and so on. The few people that knew she was a woman, didn't try to dissuade the illusion and only carried it on while they were in public. In private, they would use her preferred name or a variation of it – such as Clare instead of Clarence. Most people didn't know she was actually a woman. So people outside her immediate family, circle of close friends, or even the Brotherhood didn't call her Clare and assumed she was a man. Which serves her preferences and the illusion she’s built honestly.
    • After the American Revolution, she continued to go by male pronouns and the name Clarence as well. She didn't bother correcting people about it either, even if she introduced herself as Catherine instead.
    • She does ultimately opt to go by “he/him” and accept “they/them” if people are open to using it.
      • For the sake of the profile and to kinda make it easier on myself writing everything out, all her pronouns are suggested as “she/her” for simplicity’s sake. Just so I can write it up without making it difficult or having to add in more context, etc.
  • Catherine always introduces herself as "Clarence Adams". Her voice even has a low register like a man's would so when she reveals she's a "she", she laughs a little at the bewilderment. She also speaks with a Boston accent. It's not as thick as she would like but the more she's riled up, the harder it is to make out her words as she slurs them together.
  • During Catherine's stay in New York when she was young, she had obtained her fear of water for almost drowning in one of the harbors. She also gets sea sick too, feeling nauseous around the smell of sea water and does her best to avoid it.
    • Catherine is fine around rivers, lakes, etc. She can swim so she's not worried about drowning.
    • Just has an innate fear of being around the sea and on a boat.
    • Much to her irony, her grandmother, Dani Vaughn, was a pirate.
  • Catherine lived through 3 wars: The Seven Years' War, The American Revolution, and The French Revolution. She later recounts this various times with her children and grandchildren.
  • Can speak some French but because of her Bostonian accent, it gets hard to understand
    • After the American Revolution, she learns how to speak French a little better. Also Spanish and the Kanien'kéha language as well.
    • Mainly because the operations she sets up to branch out of the eastern coast of the United States, make it easier when interacting with the Canadian territories as well as the Spanish missionaries to the west.
  • Used to wear the Assassins' hood, in a similiar fashion to Jacob Frye, but decided against it after her mentor passed away. It was more of her embracing modernizism then. That she had faith in her abilities to hide away if she needed to rather than shy away with a piece of cloth. She also believes that if she's going to fight against the Templars, she'd rather them see her face rather than a hooded figure.
  • Catherine is Catholic and is very devout -- well as much as she alleges to be. Not that it has much to do with the other, but she carries her guilt like a Catholic as well.
  • The pistols Catherine uses are actually two Pieces of Eden. Her later descendants would discover this but she never realized that's what they were. She had impressive aim for a marksmen however, and always assumed it was her own skill. Whether it's this or the PoE helping her with her shooting is unknown. It can be safely assumed that the PoE did have some help but probably when she only needed the shots to count.
    • Both Alexandria Smithson and Georgia Elliott inherit Catherine's PoE. It can be that the PoE registered both her granddaughters as being related to Catherine as they "awoke" to both of them being able to use them.
    • The general appearance of this PoE allows a user to use whatever firearm is considered to be useful in that time period (as advanced as it is) and changes it's appearance to match the preference of the specific user. Ex: Catherine saw them as Scottish Flintlocks while her granddaughters had two variations of Smith & Wesson gun models.
    • Catherine wrote about them extensively in her journals and claims she recieved them from her mother's belongings. Which was uncovered during the American Civil War by Alexandria Smithson. It can be assumed either Catherine's mother, Zelda Fitzgerald, or her grandmother, Dani Vaughn, came into contact with them.
      • It's probably better to assume it was Dani who found them. As she was a pirate and was well-known to be very skeptical about her own treasures and finds. As well as owning a pair of pecular firearms.
      • Zelda probably recovered them but only to hide them from the Templars and hide their existance from the world.
  • Generalization of Catherine's duties in rebuilding the Brotherhood after the American Revolution:
    • Built a vast information network through the then 13 states. Added to it after the Louisiana Purchase.
    • Made all sorts of allies in Washington D.C. and around most of the major cities.
    • Finished the training of all the recruits Connor came across and helped them become full-fledged Assassins
      • Although the training was vastly a formal physical training session she implemented
      • She also taught all the Assassins how to read, write, and so on.
      • Even created an encoded message system that they had to memorize in cases of emergencies and to help recruits learn what places were safe and unsafe.
        • Similar to the Shadowmarks for the Thieves Guild in Skyrim.
        • This also helped with her information network across the 13 States and the territories America would acquire during the various stages of the nation's growth in size and power.
      • She was also known to send various recruits into random or difficult situtions to gauge their strength and skill progress. Which made her seem unfair and unpopular at first look until she decided whether or not the recruit was ready or not to complete their training. She did this to all the recruits and Assassins after the American Revolution.
      • She also taught the recruits some other languages. Such as French and Spanish. So in case they ran across someone that couldn't speak English, they were better prepared.
      • There were also various other techniques she implemented as well. She just wanted her recruits to be fully ready for the world outside of the Colonies. To give them whateve edge might aid them in their journies.
    • She was said that her influence or hand could be seen everywhere outside of the United States of America. Being prepared was her motto but some saw her as overly zealous in her work and not having time to rest. Which is debatable.
  • Face claim: Daisy Ridley.


Catherine Lee was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1752. She was the daughter of Charles Lee and Zelda Fitzgerald and the younger sister of Michael Lee. She was spoiled by both her parents' affection a bit but always missed her father's presence. He was rarely around as he was under the commission by the British military and taking part in their expeditions. She missed him greatly during the Seven Years' War/French & Indian War. Whenever he was home, she remembered cherishing those moments as best as she could -- usually trying to vie for her father's attention in some manner. Soon the war ended and, after about a few years, her mother died. Her mother was spending the day with Catherine and her brother as they ran a few errands. As they were in the market, she remembered her mother looking concerned about something and then hearing a loud gunshot. Catherine withdrew from the world after her mother's death, not wanting to do things child would do and just spent lots of time to herself. She didn't play or seem as cheerful, which is understandable but coupled with her father's withdrawal and trying to deal with Zelda Fitzgerald's death, made it more difficult. Eventually, Catherine ran away from home and towards a neighboring family that her mother knew and had frequented.

She was taken in by Samuel Adams and, his wife, Elizabeth Wells Adams. She grew up with their children, Hannah and Samuel Adams the 3rd, and considered them family. She referred to her caretakers as "uncle" and "aunt", having been used to calling them that while her mother had been alive at least. She also started to act out a bit, seeing that she if she wanted to do anything, she had to very much change her own appearance. This lead to various arguments with her uncle but she persisted nevertheless. Realizing that if she was even to have a chance to succeed at anything, she had to pass herself off as a man. Again, her uncle was less than amicable towards her mindset but eventually stopped trying to change her mind and even played along with her trying to pass off as a man. Even suggesting to take the name "Clarance Adams" -- Clare having been her original middle name anyways and Adams because it'd be easier to continue the charade. Having settled in and done whatever she could to pass herself off as a man, Clarence started setting her sights high. She took an avid interest in her uncle's interests. Wanting to get into politics to help people. After various debates, she was able to go to Harvard. She took classes to educate herself more about government and how it worked as well as enrolling in as many military related classes as she was able to as well. Having a fond interest in the art of war and having taught herself most of it because her Uncle Sam didn't want her to get herself into more trouble. After she graduated, Clarance moved out of Boston to see if she could better apply what she learned. Without her uncle looking over her shoulder, she needed to see if she could look out for herself as well.

During that time, she learned more about her mother's death. Learned about the Assassins and the Templars but only scratched the surface. She learned about Achilles Davenport and approached him several times to ask if he could mentor her. Every ask was immediately denied and she felt angered and more swayed to try and learn more. She did come across an Assassin, Kane Sutton. Kane spent most of his time in hiding after the fall of the Assassin Brotherhood in the Colonies and did agree to help her. He taught Clarance everything she needed to know about defending herself, the histories of both the ancient feuding groups, and what happened to her mother. She also learned the truth about her parents. That her mother was an Assassin and her father a Templar. This slightly skewed her view of her father for years, even after learning he had little to do with her mother's death. Kane taught her about the art of war, subterfuge, and stealth. He sent her to kill a few Templar targets, hoping to not draw the ire of the Templar Order too much. However, that was only met with a malice force. The upper echelons of the Order had caught Clarance in a trap, trying to bait her mentor, and succeeded. They scared her into seeing things their way and then killed her mentor to make a point. She felt wholly responsible for everything relating to it and went back home to try and find a way to retaliate against the Order.

Clarance was very outraged by the fact that she had been threatened and lost her mentor in the process. When she returned to Boston, she decided to take her anger out on the British that plagued the various innocent people. At first it was just her poking back at them for deciding they were better than the colonists they were supposed to protect. Then it evolved into her creating a slight legend out of herself. Dubbed "The Boston Trickster", she basically pushed back against the British who were giving people a tough time. She knew her training as an Assassin was helpful and started integrating it in her life more and more. She joined the Sons of Liberty shortly after applying for a job in the governor's office -- which her uncle was presiding over. Although, Samuel tried to let her prove herself, she persisted in looking over the financials and bookkeeping aspects of his office. She also worked as a courier in her spare time as well. This only helped her seek out the dubious nature of the Templars and kept an eye on some of what they were doing. It also allowed her to spread the growing "legend" of the Boston Trickster as well, to remind the Templars she was still around. She also was dragged into the business the Sons of Liberty conducted as well, helping them push back against the British soldiers "protecting" them.

She was one of the more outgoing members among the Sons of Liberty. Inciting the people's rage toward the tax collectors, officials, and even to the soldiers sometimes as well. If the tax collectors were being deliberately fussy, she easily made a fool out of them, took their money and threw it back towards the people. With soldiers, she just challenged their strength and easily trounced them, albeit with the occasional effort to slight the odds against her. She helped the Sons of Liberty spread their influence in Boston as best as she could, finding it uplifting that she was able to at least fight back against something.

In 1770, during the events of the Boston Massacre, Clarance would meet Connor... well rather see him. She saw him with Achilles but went to investigate what the Templars were up to prior to the massacre taking place. After hearing several guns go off and was chased by the British. They had assumed she had something to do with it and had taunted them into chasing her anyways. After losing them, she rejoined her uncle and met Connor, teaching him how to look out for himself and get around. She didn't think much about him until meeting him again a few years later prior to the Boston Tea Party. Their relationship started out very heavy handed and difficult for them to get along. Mostly because Clarance saw him as naive and more interested in chasing impossible ideas. She was also very angry that Achilles had taught him how to be an Assassin as well and often challenged Connor as often as she could.

However, her opinion wavered after the death of William Johnson. She started to realize he was serious with his goals and aspirations for the Brotherhood. She didn't change her overall attitude towards him but was less harsh towards his thinking. She saw a lot of the same leanings she once had appearing through Connor's actions and was concerned because of it. She was worried the Templars might use her, or another member of the Brotherhood, to deter him. So she upped her game and started to purposefully attempt to gain the ire of the Order while Connor conducted his business. She figured if she could do so, they'd pursue her and not him. Whatever information she had, she shared with it with Achilles, who would give it to Connor and other fledgling members of the Brotherhood as well.

Clarance was with Samuel Adams and John Hancock in 1775, worried for their well-beings. She participated in the Battles of Lexington and Concord and did all she could to help the Colonists fight back. She then attended the Continental Congress that followed in Philadelphia. She wasn't surprised to see Connor there but did get a chuckle towards his outrage towards Charles Lee. Afterwards, Clarance joined Connor's hunt for John Pitcairn. Setting out to try and find him was a harder challenge than she thought it'd be and when Connor drew him out of hiding, she took the opportunity. She had disguised herself as a British Regular, infiltrating his camp near Breed's Hill and killing him before Connor had the chance. She fled the area and rejoined the Patriots, learning about General George Washington's assassination plot after Connor had already set out to learn more.

She contacted some of the members of the Culper Ring to learn more about the plot. She met with a few members and Benjamin Tallmadge himself. She arrived in New York, where the Patriots were temporarily encamped, as soon as Connor had been arrested. She aided in Connor's escape from the gallows, to be executed for treason, and saved George Washington's life. She was helped by her brother, Michael Lee. Michael was an officer amongst the ranks of the Continental Army and was able to give Clarance the information she needed to help Connor. Afterwards, she again joined the now Founding Fathers in Philadelphia, witnessing the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Clarance felt the heat rising as the following winter ensued. She aided in expanding the Culper Ring's influence but kept her eyes on Charles Lee. If she could find any information she could to prove he didn't deserve the protection of the Continental Army, then she knew his days were numbered. She felt like after saving Connor's life, her own days were numbered. That it would only be a matter of time before the Templars cornered her and that would be it. Although she didn't enlist in the Continental Army, the information she helped gather was useful for them. She cultivated her relationships within the Continental Army, such as getting to know the Marquis de Lafayette, Washington himself, as well as her brother's commanding officer, General Henry Knox. She got to know various other officers, French, American, and even the Hessians.

Despite the chaos of the war and her intent to help the Brotherhood stop the Templars, Clarance kept in contact with her family. Writing to Samuel Adams as often as she could as well as documenting her own activities. She also had gotten to know some of the people Connor recruited and helped become members of the Brotherhood. She gave them the same treatment she shared towards Connor, giving them a harsh demeanor but also pushing them to do better. She had some conversations with them and knew a few of them as they were from Boston. She also looked back over her notes she had about the Templars as well, trying to find something to help her in her fight against them. Although her search was fruitless, she continued her fight anyways.

At the start of spring in 1778, Clarance was starting to feel like everything she had done up until now wasn't worth it. She hadn't stopped her mother's killer and was in a slump. She was in New York, once again aiding the Culper Ring. She wrote a letter to Connor, telling him that she had something important to tell him whenever they could make it to the Davenport Homestead. She set out to go to there, wanting to tell Connor who she was, but she was ambushed by a few Templars. After dealing with them, she learned that Haytham Kenway sent them after her but she wasn't sure if it was supposed to pique her interest or deter her. Either way, she set her sights on both him and Charles Lee once more -- the two being the only members left alive within the Templars Inner Circle. She followed Haytham, trying to find a chance to strike and saw Connor leading a British officer into Fort George. She didn't bother to alert him and kept following Haytham.

She was summoned to the Homestead by Achilles and made sure someone kept tabs on Haytham before she left. Once she arrived, she was bombarded with various accusations from Connor. He had been informed of her real name and parentage by Haytham -- which she assumed was his way to sever their very fragile alliance. She told Connor that she had made plans to tell him but ultimately exiled herself from the Brotherhood, setting out on her own. She was disgusted by Connor's "holier than thou" attitude towards her and didn't feel particularly welcome. Although, that didn't stop the other members of the Brotherhood from assisting her if she needed help.

On her own now, Clarance did all she could to continue her hunt to avenge her mother's death. Deciding that since she was on her own, she may as well do whatever she could complete her goal. She haunted New York for a bit, harassing the Templars that resided there to find out more information about Charles Lee and Haytham Kenway. Mostly where they were and what they were up to. In the weeks prior to Connor's infiltration of Fort George, Clarance had found a way to get the Templars' attention and in doing so, gained access to Fort George as well. She was their prisoner but played it off as her master plan. She was interrogated to find information on Connor, in which she was grateful she didn't know what she was up to. Even if she had, she wouldn't have betrayed his confidence either. So she let them rough her up as she waited for the perfect moment to strike.

After a rough interrogation by Haytham, she was left alone for a while and was startled by the sudden bombardment. She put it together that it was Connor's doing, having seen the Aquila anchored nearby at least. She recovered her belongings and sought out to search for the Templars that remained. She did sustain injuries, mainly just a headache as she struggled to get through the area and found Haytham and Connor fighting. She saw Connor was struggling to fend off his assailant and slew Haytham as she helped Connor to his feet. She escorted him out of the fort and to another Assassins safe house so they could recover. In all honesty she felt some relief that Haytham was dead. She had killed the man that killed her mother but she still felt troubled by Charles Lee still being alive. She felt enraged by it but at the same time conflicted. She and Connor talked about what they had been doing and he thanked her for saving his life. Also admitting to her that he couldn't wholly kill his own father. That part stuck with her because she felt the same in some regards. Instead of confiding in him about it, she withheld it from him and joined Connor in chasing down her father.

They both confronted Charles Lee at Haytham funeral but parted ways in chasing him. Clarance knew that her father would try to reconstruct the Templar Order and knew of his haunts as well. So she immediately set out for Boston without a second thought. She had recovered from her wounds but not entirely -- not that she was heavily injured to start with. She hoped that she could find her father before Connor would, to stop him but her concern in trying to take him on only continued to cloud her judgement. She wasn't entirely sure she could kill him.

Once in Boston, she scoured the city and went to wherever he had frequented before seeing him near the Green Dragon tavern. She didn't confront him at first and followed him until they were nearly secluded. She knew he noticed her following him and continued to follow him until he confronted her. She simply allowed her anger towards him to take over as they fought but when she had the opportunity to kill him, she hesitated and was nearly killed in return. She doesn't entirely remember what happened, just that everything was fuzzy and she remembered seeing her brother. When she awoke a few days later, she was at her uncle's house and with her brother. He told her everything that happened after she passed out and that a doctor had stitched her wounds back together. She learned from Michael that Connor had killed their father and that the Revolution had ended. He also handed her a letter, although she had an idea who it was from based off the handwriting on it. She read the letter from her father, which seemed quite dated she presumed. As if it were meant for a child and she assumed it had been because of the numerous apologies from Charles.

Clarance took a few months to recover and did some self-reflection in that time as well. Her wounds healed but the scars remained. She had tissue damage in her left arm, which made it hard to use it to a degree. She also had a musket ball lodged in her right calf muscle. So she could run like she used to but only in limited bursts and lengths of time before she felt pained. She managed to find a way to go back to her old routines but had trouble with that as well. She realized she couldn't be the same individual anymore, running around being angry with everyone. She didn't have it in her to continue it anymore and opted to go back to her maiden name, Catherine Lee. She started being more upfront and apologetic to those around her and genuinely seemed interested in trying to correct the wrongs she had done up until that point.

She set out to find Connor at the Davenport Homestead. When she arrived, she learned Achilles had passed away and felt aggrieved that she was blinded by her own ambitions that she couldn't be there in his last moments. When Connor arrived, she apologized to him for all her past actions towards him and explained why she was so harsh towards him. She also explained that she wanted to help re-establish the Brotherhood's presence in the newly freed Colonies - rather in America. She extended her apologies towards the recruits Connor had initiated into the Brotherhood and helped finish whatever remained of their training -- making them into full-fledged Assassins.

Now that the Templars influence was gone, all that was left to do was to rebuild and remain vigilant. Catherine played an advisory role in rebuilding the Brotherhood. Preferring to leave the fighting to the others as she could easily make whatever connections there needed to be with the rise of the new American Government. She frequented the members of Congress and the ear of the President as well. Making sure to establish a system in which the Assassins could watch those they helped in their fight but remained far from the political machinations and the country's own turmoil. She established various branches of the Brotherhood throughout the Eastern Coast and even continued to do so after the Louisiana Purchase. Catherine was far from idle and did everything she could to contribute to the cause.

Sometime during all this, she married Duncan Little, one of the recruits Connor met. He had helped her find the solace she had been seeking and find comfort in her own skin again. The two being close friends as well and ensuring the Brotherhood thrived.


Charles Lee

[ Father | Enemy | Deceased ] Catherine's estranged father and a member of the Colonial Templar Order. When she was younger, Catherine adored him and always looked forward to seeing him whenever he made his way back home. She remembered always being excited to see him and wanting to be like him as well. He always entertained the idea and they would go on "expeditions" whenever he was at home. These "expeditions" often involved making forts out of furniture and pretending to be a soldier. He did teach her how to read maps, which only spurred her to want to be like him. Their relationship became difficult after her mother passed away. She had followed Charles' example and withdrew herself from being around him, believing he was responsible for her mother dying in some form or another. After she ran away, their relationship became even more strained and Charles believed Catherine had died, being unable to find her. When she learned about this later, she wondered if he had even tried to look for her or just gave up entirely. When they did meet again, it was when Catherine had assumed the identity of "Clarence Adams". At this point he was one of the few responsible for her Assassin mentor's death and he was also aware of her presence as an Assassin as well. While they were antagonistic towards each other, they didn't really do much to interact and kept their distances. In the minor disputes Clarence caused for the Templars, she was always regarded as an annoyance and that's how Charles treated her as well. After Connor's initiation into the Assassins, both Clarence and Charles are more antagonistic and derivative towards each other as the Revolution spurs on. As the Templar Order continued to decline, Clarence started to share that same annoyance towards Charles. Being more antagonistic towards him before eventually just being outright angry at him. She tried hinting that they knew each other to him but he didn't realize it until their final confrontation before Charles' death. After he died, Catherine held an immense amount of guilt for her actions. She had blamed him for being responsible for her mother's death and doing nothing to try and overcome it. She couldn't even kill him when she was given the opportunity and allowed him to nearly kill her as well. He had left her with a letter about how sorry he was that he couldn't look out for her when she was younger, though she had assumed the letter was to her younger self. It took years for her to get over her guilt but she couldn't truly overcome it either, she just found a way to live with it. She did, however, name her firstborn son after him. She also visited his grave numerous times prior to passing away.


Zelda Fitzgerald

[ Mother | Deceased ] Catherine's mother and a former Assassin. Catherine remembers her mother as being very kind and benevolent. Always there when she or her brother needed something and just being very motherly. She didn't get to know her mother until after she had passed away and when Catherine was older, had read through her old diaries and journals. Catherine learned that her mother was very meticulous and resourceful. Being able to deal with just about anything and everything around her both as an individual and as an Assassin. She also learned her mother was very resentful of her own parents, stating her anger towards her mother. Growing up, and even after becoming an adult, she heard from most people that knew her mother that Catherine looked and acted like her. The last words Catherine heard from her mother before passing away was "to be happy" and she felt haunted by it for a long time. Catherine named her first daughter after her mother.


Michael Lee

[ Older Brother ] Catherine's older brother and someone who tried to always be around for her as best as he could. When they were younger, Michael always got her into some kind of trouble. He tried to include her into whatever games he and his friends were playing as well. They had a friendly rivalry when they were younger too and he always challenged his sister in climbing trees, racing, and anything else that came to mind. Catherine always described him as the more fair-minded between them because he was always trying to make friends and be the nice guy in every situation. When their mother passed away, Michael did everything he could to make his sister happy but was sad when she ran away. They ran into each other later during one of Catherine's visits to New York with Samuel Adams or for him. They managed to reconnect but their relationship was rocky. They did try to get to know each other and managed to find a way to get along, although Catherine tried to avoid meeting his family. She didn't want to be the reason they were in danger or if something were to happen to them. She did meet them after the American Revolution. Her relationship with her brother also improved after the Revolution as well. He was always there for her when she needed his advice and vice versa. They were always open with each other and didn't hide many secrets either.


Samuel Adams

[ Uncle | Father Figure ] Catherine's "uncle" and caretaker. Samuel Adams took her in when her mother passed away, her mother having a particularly close relationship with the Adams' prior to settling down. He raised her as one of his own but she always insisted on calling him uncle as she grew older. He helped her get into college and was very against her trying to pass herself off as a man. He stopped trying to convince her to not be a man eventually and spurned her interest in politics and government. Even going as far as giving her a job during his tenure as governor of Massachusetts. He also insisted on her joining the Sons of Liberty as well, knowing her talents for mischief would help them. He was always there to support whatever choices she made, regardless if he felt inclined against them or not. They're often seen arguing particulars about government and policies. Even after the Revolution and when the American government was founded. They always challenged each other intellectually and sought the other's opinions on various matters. They do share a very close relationship, similar to a father and his daughter. Catherine was also very protective of his safety, often hanging around areas he was in to make sure nothing happened to him.


Kane Sutton

[ Mentor | Partner | Deceased ] Kane Sutton was Catherine's mentor and partner prior to passing away. He taught her everything she needed to know about being an Assassin and who both the Assassins and Templars were. He helped her hone her skills and refine some of her techniques. When the Templars sought her out to kill her, Kane risked his life to allow her to escape. He served as a reminder that the Templars were the ones in charge and that she had to watch her step. She doesn't talk about him often but holds him in a very high regard. When she does, it's just the highlights of how he helped her.


Achilles Davenport

[ Mentor | Deceased ] Catherine has known about Achilles since she was a child. She remembered meeting him often when her mother was alive and sought him out when she wanted to learn how to be an Assassin. He refused to teach her and gave her some comfort after her master died. They wrote to each other, to keep in contact but never met in person until after Connor joined the Assassins. She visited Achilles' manor from time to time during the American Revolution, seeking his advice or to pass information. She didn't know he passed away until after the Revolution ended and when she recovered from her wounds. She felt bad she didn't think to seek him out or listen to him while she was wrapped up in her own anger towards Connor and the Templars. She makes an effort to visit his grave as often as she's able to, which is quite often as she does visit the Homestead quite a bit after his passing.


Duncan Little

[ Close Friend | Husband ] Catherine and Duncan met numerous times prior to him joining the Assassins after asking for Connor's aid. Though it was more they knew each other in passing than actually knew each other. He was trying to get to know her after joining the Assassins but her rough exterior made it difficult. After the Revolution, however, she did open up to him more. Even admitting to him, and others, that she was a she and not a he. Duncan was surprised but was there to help her through her guilt and advised her as best he could spiritually. They started to express an interest towards one another and eventually married. They were close friends and partners. They also had three children together.


Connor Kenway | Ratonhnhaké:ton

[ Rival [Former] | Friend | Partner ] Catherine generally looked down at Connor when they first met. Being enraged that Achilles had wasted his time training a naive child to become an Assassin. As she got to know him, however, she only grew slightly less tolerant of his naiveté. She tried to challenge him intellectually, to think things through. She also saw a lot of herself in Connor as well. Mostly the "wanting to stop the Templars after I finished my training" aspect. She didn't write him off completely and wasn't overly antagonistic towards him. However, that's how it appeared. Connor picked up on Catherine's being a woman rather quickly, which made her realize that there was more to him than it appeared. She was nervous about his overtly antagonistic nature towards Charles Lee, believing Lee deserved it but was concerned that it would effect her as well. She did keep her true identity a secret from him and when he found out she was Charles Lee's daughter, was just as outraged at him as he was towards her. After the American Revolution, they started to get along and promised to always be honest with each other. She doesn't call him Connor, rather his given name: Ratonhnhaké:ton. Even if she started it off by mispronouncing his name, she preferred it. They grew more friendly towards each other and she was there to help him when needed. They both revitalized the Brotherhood's network in the United States and made it prosper as best as they could.


Aithne Ivor

[ Friend | Partner ] Catherine and Aithne had very few encounters prior to Connor joining the Brotherhood. They acknowledged each other's presence and skills as an Assassin but that's about as far as it went. After the Revolution started, they started meeting more frequently because of Connor. Catherine's chilled demeanor made it hard for them to get to know each other until after the Revolution ended. When Catherine began to open up more about herself, they were able to actually develop a relationship. Most of what Catherine knows of Aithne was either through Connor or Michael and there was a shared mutual respect towards one another.

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