


4 years, 11 months ago


name pronounced: KAI like in japanese - an 'L' sound (ALMOST sounds like kyle together) - win.
Name: Kailwynn
Age: 21
Race: human
Gender: nonbinary, they/them


Description: Kailwyn  has rose pink hair that is very wavy and curls around their ears but  doesnt reach their neck. Only their right ear is pierced, and there are  two holes. They normally wear earrings with a chain connecting the two  piercings. They have small hands and are only about 5'5" tall. Their  voice is neither high or low pitched, just somewhere in the middle.  Kailwynn enjoys wearing skirts and tights but hates formally dressing  up. When they arent in class they are dressed more casually. They love  wearing hats as they like to alter clothes and hats. They wear boots  often and the same color pink as their hair.

Personality: They  love to eat food and chew bubblegum. They dislike when people shorten  their name and they dont give a fuck about what people think. Kailwynn  loves playing video games.

  They enjoy  art but don't always finish their pieces. They are kind of clumsy and  often daydreaming. They are not great at listening, they are bad at  paying attention and focusing due to ADHD.

Background: Kailwynn  has been held back in school a few times. Only recently was their adhd  discovered. However, their parents still didnt believe in that, and  shipped them off to boarding school thinking that living among vampires  would toughen them up. They grew up with four siblings, and is the  second oldest of the five. Their older brother Carmiel was the only one  who stood up for Kailwynn and was devastated they were going to leave  for boarding school. He promised to visit them at school, which they  were happy to hear. They dont know much about vampires but are  interested in them and becoming friends. Although they are friendly,  Kailwynn has always had difficulty making friends.
In the past,  because they were such a bad listener, their friends would believe  Kailwynn did not care about them or what they were saying. They also  dont speak much, though they used to speak a lot more before they lost  so many friends. They just want to find someone who understands that  ADHD is a thing that exists and is the reason for some of their  behaviour. Either way, they arent the best student and are not always in  class. They sort of wander in and out, doing their own thing. 

  Skills: They  possess artistic skills but don't always have the focus to use them.  They are pretty skills at sewing and other crafts. They pierced their  own ear.

Other: They have a pet bat named Vaena.

color: #f26d7d