


8 years, 1 month ago


Name: Iaskel

Sex/Gender: Male

Age: 20 year equivalent

Race: Desert-dwelling Naga

Family:  Fourth son of a noble house. Relatives beyond counting.

Height: 4 feet, 7 inches when upright. Almost ten feet counting tail length.

Sexuality: Hetero

Skin Color: Very darkly tanned. Black and beige scales.

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Amber

Languages: Common, Naga

Occupation:  Princes don't get jobs

Alignment/Threat level: Neutral. Mostly harmless.

Abilities: Extremely venomous bite. Heavily muscled tail. Has no combat training.

Appearance:  A handsome gentleman from neck to navel, with sharply defined features, bronzed skin, and elaborately decorated hair that falls past his shoulder-blades. Long, pointed ears. He has a penchant for gold jewelry. Black scales dot his cheeks and the tops of his shoulders like freckles. Clothing is barely enough to cover modesty (if he had any). From the waist down, he has a glossy, heavy serpent's tail. Warm, brownish black scales cover the top portion, giving way to cream-color on the bottom.
Personality: He is vain, prone to whining/righteous indignation if things don't go his way. His standards are quite high, considering, and he can be downright lazy when it comes to basic things like picking up after himself. Nobody ever really taught him how. While he is certainly spoiled, he is far from cruel, and he wouldn't go so far as to put someone through true suffering to meet his expectations. He does enjoy being flattered or being coaxed with gifts, even though he is smart enough to know when they are insincere. He knows politics better than anything else, but he doesn't have the patience for it.

He is naturally curious and prone to being exactly where he doesn't need to be because of it. He is sheltered enough to be interested about humans and their doings, as his people tend to keep to themselves.

Background: Iaskel is one of many children in a big, sprawling noble family. As such, he is given enough of an allowance to hopefully keep him busy, but not enough to get himself into true trouble. His family was never exactly nurturing, more likely to let their prodigy sink or swim under their own steam, and none of his siblings have much time for him.. let alone his parents. As the youngest and smallest, he would never inherit his family's wealth bar some sort of catastrophe. Instead of becoming ambitious and scheming, Iaskel became very bored with his society instead. finding no satisfaction in shallow parties or even in trading for luxuries, he began to try and cast his attentions elsewhere.

Like the rest of the world.

His particular clan had become somewhat xenophobic, wanting to deal with outsiders as little as possible, most certainly not trusting anything with two legs. Humans were allowed in only for the most select of trades, and he was instantly curious about the short-lived species. He began to sneak out when he could, to try and follow traders and watch their camps.

Eventually, his curiosity became a little too overwhelming, and he was snatched up by a traveling caravan that just happened to deal mostly in entertainment. Rare beasts of all sorts find themselves in wheeled cages, but none talk and complain as incessantly as he does, and his captors wonder if the extra revenue is worth his endless whining.

Inspiration: lol he's the little mermaid on land