💖 Latte



4 years, 10 months ago



Name Latte
Gender Male
Rank Kittypet
Clan None
Mentor None
Crush Mushroompaw
Mate None
Kits None


Latte is a bit of a flirt, and uses it to try and get himself out of tough situations. He loves pretty she-cats, and is more than willing to flirt with them. He is only apprentice-age, but due to his tall stature, can often pass himself off as older, and make himself seem more scary. He is a caring cat who loves those around him, but he is a coward and is afraid of forest cats. He has a good heart, but is naive about the borders and the rules of clans.

He was born to Django and Belle, pedigree oriental longhair kittypets who live in the twolegplace. He was adopted by a twoleg family who care for him. He lives with a couple of she-cats and another tom. His twolegs are good to him. His older sister, Pepper, lives in the same street, and after she had her kits her twolegs have forced her inside. Latte often visits her to try and help her. He is friends with Sage, another kittypet whose twolegs were evicted and didn't take him, and often hunts for him and lets him take food from his twolegs.

Latte has no plans to leave his twolegs any time soon, but he has just met Mushroompaw, a she-cat from Shadowclan who he finds rather interesting. Eventually, he will decide to leave his twolegs once he falls for Mushroompaw and ends up getting her pregnant when she is a warrior. He worries about upsetting his twolegs, but after talking to the cats he lives with, he feels better about it and promises to visit. His twolegs see him occasionally, and seem content that he is alive and well in the forest and don't try to get him back. They adopt another cat after he leaves.


Latte is a cream tom with brown markings, and he is rather handsome with his uniquely coloured pelt. He has beatiful blue eyes, and a long snout and large bat-like ears. His big fluffy tail is also another of his good points.

He is tall for his age, and often can be mistaken for a fully-grown tom.

Design Notes

  • Long oriental snout and ears
  • Fluffy, long tail
  • Long and lanky

  • TBD insert explanation
  • TBD insert explanation
  • Latte, named for his coffee-coloured markings
  • Naming theme- his denmates are called Mocha, Cappuccino, and Espresso
code by jiko