Neron V



4 years, 8 months ago





Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • Worth N/A
    • Designer Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • World Prism (The Prison Domain)

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title N/A
    • Relationship Status Married
    • Gender Male
    • Occupation Member of the Elite Prism Force
    • Religion N/A
    • HANDEDNESS Right Handed
    • Age Sixty Five
    • Species Elemental


    One trait of the Elemantria is their unique purple eyes. Neron is no different, yet his tend to be a bit darker than his wife or daughter. His brown hair is often kept short and tidy, which is where his daughter, Ninarika, got her original hair colour from. Due to their lineage, both, him and his wife wear the colours of royalty. On most days, Neron has on a white, button up shirt. Overtop, he has a formal blazer type jacket which is mainly purple in colour, but with gold embroidery. He also wears plain purple dress trousers with gold and black shoes. Other than this, his outfit does not change much, no matter if he is at home or planning to go out somewhere. After joining the Elite Prism Force, he was given a badge, which he rarely takes off.


    • BUILD Proper

    • FOOD Savoury foods
    • COLOUR Purple and gold
    • ANIMAL Foxes
    • SETTING Peaceful, quiet towns
    • WEATHER Clear and sunny
    • DRINK Coffee
    • NUMBER Three
    • GENRE Mystery and crime
    • ACTIVITY Star watching
    • TIME OF DAY When the stars are out


    • Respect
    • When his family (rarely) get along
    • Helping people


    • Disrespect
    • Having to hurt anyone
    • Fights


    • Reading the news paper each morning
    • Watching old movies
    • Starwatching

    Neron was the kind of guy who always came across as caring and approachable. This helped him majorly when ruling alongside Alucia in Kaitore, as he often focused on their needs and was loved by those in the city. He was a very honest person and extremely hard working, however, he was not around a lot because of that. As time went by, his wife got too controlling and his daughter ran away. Due to this, he devoted more and more of his time to his job, using it as an escape of sorts, as well as a means to find Ninarika and prevent her from further hurting others or herself. He can also be a little too forgiving at times and lets Alucia walk all over him. He does not stand up for himself and has yet to speak up for what is right.


    • Loyal
    • Always ready and willing to help
    • Caring and honest


    • He can be a bit of a pushover
    • Hesitates during a fight occasionally
    • Doesn't speak up when he should


    Neron, unlike his wife, does not want control of his daughter. He wants her respect. His one desire is to show her there is always another way, to be a good influence on her and prove she can do better, be better. He cares about his family more than anything and while he likes to do good and help others, he mainly wants to help those who matter most to him, which includes getting his family back together and helping them take the steps necessary to better themselves, like he knows they can.


    • Losing Nina for good
    • What his wife has become
    • His wife being in control and tearing their family apart


    • Scratches his head when stressed or nervous
    • Hesitates in the face of danger
    • Has juice each morning


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Calm, often relaxed but proper
    • COMMON STARTER “Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
    • SWEARS? N/A
    • QUIRKS Nervously twitches fingers when talking, especially to family
  • Species

    [ Elemental ] An Elemental is a person born with the ability to control the elements, whether that is water, or fire, air, or even life. It is common for an Elemental to be able to control merely one element, however, sometimes they can control two. This is a very rare occurrence and there is only two possible ways for this to happen. They could be born with a second element, but this is extremely unique and comes with drawbacks. When this happens, the child often gets ill at a very young age, and some have even died because of it. The only other way for an Elemental to gain power over more than one is if they train themselves to master another, however, this is really hard to do and most can’t handle the pressure it brings. To be able to control an element, they have to be one with it, making it difficult to be one with two elements at once. They would have to somehow balance out the two so that they work together as well.


    [ Elemantria ] An Elemantria is the name given to an Elemental who is able to control all elements. An Elemantria has the ability to access all elements, but are never born able to control them at once. This is to prevent them from undoubtedly going insane, or dying at a very young age. That much power would either, literally tear them apart inside, or consume their mind with darkness. If they grow up still wanting to control the elements, they would have to seek them out and go through various methods to gain the power they wish to control. Unfortunately, while aren’t just given the elements straight from birth, they are still born with the urge to seek and consume power. The stronger they get, the more unstable they become. It is impossible to prevent, since it is their natural predatory instinct to become the best over every other species. Because of this, they were often feared, but there is only one place where they were presumed to have lived. They were said to have lived in a beautiful city secluded from the outside world. Grass surrounded their home, and a few trees grew tall. It was like a paradise, until one day, their world collapsed. The surroundings for miles had died, becoming little more than a desert. It was said that the whole city had disappeared, replaced by a giant crater.


    Neron was born with one single element, the element of Life. This is what gave him the ability to heal others relatively well and even resurrect the dead, but unlike Ninarika, his daughter who inherited the element from him, he cannot bring back people with a soul, so rarely tries. Since he is an Elemantria, he has the ability to control every element, so long as he learns it beforehand. These elements include terra, fire, air, water, dark, light and spirit. He never uses all of them at once, however, knowing what would become of him if he did. This does not stop him from making the most of his power, though, as he does not fear it as much as his wife. He is able to fully use and control the elements he possesses, as long as he does not overdo it or combine them.

  • History

    Neron lived in Midnight Village, a small, poverty-stricken village struggling to remain standing. He lived here with his poor, yet very close family, his parents and older brother. Growing up, he had to survive on very little, barely passing by. He was, however, more fortunate than his brother, who got sick due to the unhealthy lifestyle they were forced to live. This was how he met Alucia, as she stopped by the small, rundown building they had for a hospital. Neron was visiting his brother at the time of her arrival and she immediately captured his attention with her uplifting, reassuring demeanor and positive nature. Not long after they talked for the first time, his brother died, leaving him and his family heartbroken, yet it was Alucia who stuck around and helped them back to their feet. A couple years later, he married her and him and his family moved to another city just before his home inevitably fell to ruins. After questioning Alucia about her own family, the two began the search to find out who her real parents were, eventually discovering that they had lived in Kaitore City. They had died not so long ago, however. People had tried to find out if they had any relatives or children, as they would have inherited the manor they once lived in, as well as an insane amount of money. They had no clue who it then belonged to after their passing, that is, until Alucia came along. This was all given to her and the reason for why these two moved to Kaitore, ruling over the city. The sudden power she had gotten had gone to her head, however, and changed her in the end, which drove Ninarika, their daughter, and Neron, away. This is how he ended up working in the Elite Prism Force, searching for their girl in the hopes of bringing their family back together again.


    Neron was born in Midnight Village, a small, poverty-stricken village struggling to remain standing. He lived here with his poor, yet very close family, his parents and older brother. Growing up, he had to survive on very little, barely passing by. He was, however, more fortunate than his brother, who got sick due to the unhealthy lifestyle they were forced to live. After getting married to Alucia two years after his brother died, he found himself in Kaitore City, a place located in the centre of the Amari Desert. This city was famous for many things. It was once the largest city in all of Calizen, holding the location of the infamous Catori Sword somewhere within its walls. Where it lies, however, is only known to those who have conquered the three ruins. It is said that long ago, the blade was taken from its resting place, cratering the city and killing off all signs of life around it, turning it into nothing more than a wasteland. All outsiders thought the city was destroyed back then and nobody was willing to travel far enough into the desert to rediscover the lost civilisation. These days, it is a secluded place, where no one leaves or enters. It was a nice place where everyone got along no matter their differences. The city is split into sections, all named appropriately. Frosted edge was where it snowed constantly and the wind blew strong. Any water there would freeze in an instant. Hikers Range, as its name suggests, is an area that requires good hiking boots, as this place consists mostly of rocks and mountains. Natures Corner is the third section, where it was almost guaranteed to rain, not like it could reach you through the thick trees that surrounded the whole area. In the centre of these places, was the Manor or Power, sitting in front of the Fountain of Wealth. It was within that building, he resided with his wife and only child, Ninarika, right until his daughter left them.

    Current Residence

    After leaving Kaitore City in search of his daughter, he ended up joining The Elite Prism Force. Nowadays, he resides on planet called Prism, a place designed to be the universe's most advanced prison, where they hold the worst of the worst. He works here, living in the Grim Sector with the rest of his teammates.

  • Ancestry

    • His ancestors were more in control over their powers than Alucia's, but were still mentally unstable to a point
    • His ancestors were greatly feared so most were hunted and killed like witches
    • Born with a longing for power


    • Tells no one about his or Alucia's ancestors history
    • He keeps his job secret from most people
    • Neron has done some dodgy things to get where he is now


    • Neron is a member of the Elite Prism Force
    • He ruled alongside Alucia in Kaitore city before leaving on his own mission
    • Neron's first element was the life element
    • The eyes of an Elemental reflect their health, as they represent not just their element, but also their soul and wellbeing. If they are sick, their eyes become dull and if they die, they turn completely grey or white