⚠ Iris Agate



7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


"My Iris"





Gem Type


Gem Location



Aristocrat / Executioner / Military advisor / General




Weapon:  Executioner's sword


  • Stress manipulation (make people more/less nervous etc)
  • Slight light manipulation
  • Heightened sensation
  • Temperature manipulation
  • Shock/energy absorbtion & Deflection.


A Ruthless gem, but not entirely tyrannical. She has no qualms with annihilating those who oppose her or her Diamond. Extremely intelligent, calm, collected, and firm. Tactical and very militarized, Iris has a lot of pride. "There's a place and time for everything" type personality. She doesn't act without some form of calculation, very think first act later. She prefers to display her words and moods sheerly through body language. ie. a certain way she may sit or glance may give away what she might be thinking or feeling to those who are personally close to her. So Iris does not speak too often, unless it's particularly important. She rarely addresses those of lower rank, but will mince words with them if she's in the mood. Iris rarely gives praise, so when she does it definitely means something. Her facial expressions are usually extremely smug, she has the type of mannerisms which would make you assume she's "looking down upon you". Which technically due to her stature, she is.

Brief History/Backstory:

A prized pre-war gem who initially answered directly to the orders of Pink diamond before her untimely demise, she then fell into the lap of Yellow Diamond. With years of combat under her belt and acting as both a tatician and advisor of sorts, she's shattered countless gems beneath her boots both figuratively and physically. When the war ended she then served more as a middle man between the diamond authority, yet not entirely nixing her other duties. She eventually found their affairs to be too stifling. Becoming bored and finding her abilities entirely wasted on their trivial affairs. Eventually her relationship with Yellow Diamond went south (for using her so haphazardly) and since then she has been searching for a more meaningful existance where she could be put to more practical use.


  • Iris dislikes gatherings of other elite/noble gems finding it stuffy and their mingling to be nothing but ways to show off, petty competition makes her head spin. 
  • Habit of wearing shattered gems as fashion. 
  • Eyes are very luminous. 
  • When hit by light at the right angle, Iris diffracts an array of colors.(She's very...sparkly..)  

Theme:  •