Ella Fey



4 years, 6 months ago


Name: Ella Fey

Age: 16

Dislikes: Perveted teen boys, swimming, people picking on her friends, frumpy and poofy dresses (on her), the dance of the sugarplum fairy, Computers, water, rain, animals, bugs

Likes: eating food, rock music, writing poetry (secretly), Reimi

Background: The only child to her parents. A genetic mutation endows her with a distinctly fairy-like appearance, including a pair of wings and a small size of approximately 6 inches. Despite her diminutive anatomy, she has the proportional strength of an average teenage girl her age. As such, navigating the outside world isn't too difficult, as she is hardier than she looks.

Ella's mother is a seamstress who loves collecting dolls. When Ella was born her mother was enamoured by her small size and showered her with affection (and tiny doll clothes), becoming a doting and overprotective parent. Perhaps due to this overbearing influence Ella grew to be a tomboy who hates being underestimated. She decided to be a hero as she wanted to show her naysayers (including her helicopter parent mother) that she was just as tough and capable as anyone else in accomplishing grand feats.

Quirk: Impaler

Any object longer than it is wide that is wielded by the quirk user has its piercing capabilities amplified. The degree of amplification is reliant on base material of the object and the velocity it is travelling when the user thrusts it to pierce. The faster the user thrusts the object, the deadlier it becomes.

Strong materials such as steel can pierce through armored plates when traveling at high speeds, while brittle material such as glass will shatter and break.

personality: A girl with a fierce character. She can stare daggers and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Despite her bold nature, she is uncharacteristically modest when it comes to genuine compliments and tries to play it cool. She's usually pretty honest, but is willing to tell white lie not to hurt her friends feelings.

As a Hero: Ella's costume is Vespidae themed. She wields a knife (that due to her size, is reminiscent of a claymore when next to her) and flies at high speeds to shatter and pierce through material in her way. She's capable of breaking apart large debris and projectiles to protect people who might otherwise be crushed under it by dashing back and forth and cutting it up to relatively harmless pieces

She can also deliver messages quickly between people due to her speed, as well as break through walls and thick barriers put up by her opponents in combat