
Tal is another older character of mine. He's an amnesiac fledgling vampire, though he originally came from a community of vampire hunters. He knew basic self defense, but hadn't really committed to it...he wasn't sold on vampires being all bad, and sometimes helped them escape. He was caught aiding one vampire he naively believed, and was forced to flee with them...and this vampire whisked him away to try and turn into a thrall. When that went south, they opted to make Tal a full vampire, and upon the completion of the transformation, forced him through a bonding ritual so that the first blood he consumes from a vein would bind him to that individual's blood until the bonded person died. Unfortunately, Tal manages to escape in his haze of fear and confusion, and he ends up biting someone that wasn't intended. But they're stuck together now, with an older and more capable vampire out to get his wayward fledgling back under his thumb.