Adam [Hold for DracoFaunus]



4 years, 7 months ago


Adam is an ancient, resurrected necromancer.

No one is quite sure how old Adam is, not even Adam. No one knows his true name, as Adam was the name given to him by a necromancy cult he'd joined in his youth. What is known is that he is a powerful necromancer, and since his resurrection, he has become immortal.

His resurrection happened several millennia back, when he was offered up as a sacrifice in his cult. A couple of cult members who hadn't been so sure about the cult's practices resurrected him in secret. He had been cut into pieces after his death, and his rescuers had had to piece him back together, and some pieces even had to be replaced with pieces from another body, another sacrifice.  Having been dead, he didn't look quite right anymore- not quite alive. His hair also now bore a long grey streak that framed his face. This was a consequence Adam felt he could live with. Together, they all fled, but their actions were discovered by the cult, and a curse was placed on Adam. 

The curse made Adam immortal. He could never get sick, he would be able to heal any wound, and he could not die unless he was slain by the deity of the cult. Most would celebrate to learn they're immortal, but Adam knew better. 

However, Adam was not aware of his curse until after a year and a horse trampled and should have killed him, but after the beast had passed, his only suffering was that he had had the wind knocked out of him. It did not take them long to realize what had happened to him, that he'd been cursed. Adam  had a breakdown, realizing what this meant for him, and fled from his friends. 

Several years later, Adam learned that his friends had been found by the cult, and slaughtered.

After that, Adam went back and forth between involving himself with others, and isolation, until he found a balance that suited him, and that he thought would help him endure the torture he would face.

These days, Adam is part of another group of necromancers, who all know about his cursed state. He is not close with any of them, but he does maintain friendships with them. He is very severe, but does try to enjoy his life. He dates, he tries to take advantage of his curse to experience the world and learn, and doesn't try to stop himself from having friends (he's just not very close to the other necromancers).  

His favorite book is Mary Shelly's Frankenstein