Kevin (Tiny)



a pillowtail made by AvocadoLawyer on CS

Name: Kevin (He likes his nickname, Tiny more)

Gender: Male (he/him)

Who is their best friend?

Kevin's best friend is his teddy-bear, Mr. Blue. He absolutely loves that little plushie! The small pillowtail takes it everywhere and doesn't care if others think it's immature or uncool. Even at restaurants, the bear gets a seat only for himself. When he feels stressed out or lonely he just snuggles it as hard as he can and he will feel much better already! And, of course, the plush also has a special meaning. When Tiny was 5, the bigger pillowtail kits often mocked him because of his small size and didn't have many friends. He was afraid to go to school and often cried when her mother had to leave. So his mom came up with a the idea: she made Tiny a plush, who was his "guardian" when his mother was away. Of course, Tiny instantly fell in love with it! It became his nest friend and often loyal companion through the small kit's adventures. One day when he went to school, his bullies took away Mr. Blue. Can you guess what happened next? Tiny was so furious that he smacked one of the meanies in the face so hard that they never dared to taunt him ever since. Of course nowadays he has many other friends, but Mr. Blue will always be number one to him.


Personality: Tiny is a small pillowtail with a big imagination. He finds it hard to focus on one thing for long. He also is quite childish and enjoys activities such as looking at kids' books (one day he wants to write some, too) or collecting weird things.

Positive: Optimistic, creative

Neutral: Childish,sensitive

Negative: Irresponsible, immature


Sexuality: demi-pansexual

Favorite hobby: Writing

Favorite food: Peanut butter

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