


4 years, 7 months ago




Name info
Sandlit info
26 info
Male info
Theif info
Pansexual info
Theme info









Naji was one of the chosen lucky few to become a member of the group. Joining meant somewhat more freedom to choose/explore rather than be forced to comply with whatever role he was given. For that he is very thankful to Reed. Though the reason for his loyalty does not stem to his boss for that reason alone. For in fact it took quite a bit of time before he even began to show any loyalty to the boss. Since at first Naji was only using him as his ticket for freedom, and was planning to hightail it out there the moment they left. He and the rest had no choice to stick with him after finding out the oh so conditions. As well as discovering the truth, about their boss and the goals which were already set into motion. Naji vowed to stick with him till the very end. In hopes for the sake of long overdue change in the current system, their clan branch has set.

Other tibits of info

Dislikes: Those who comment or even dare to mention his height. ( he a short bean compared to all the other members of the group ). Hates surprisingly spicy foods. ( People of the clans common specialty. ) Extra: - Underappreciated, is often tasked with minimal lower grunt work. His daily tasks are often just: guarding and carrying loot back from hauls. - Thanks to another member named Yami. He has obtained knowledge regarding herbs and learned a bit about how medicine is made. - Naji will take on others despite knowing he could never beat them in battle. He will continue to fight unless detained or until his final breath.


  • Observent | Loyal | Determined | Bold
  • = | Honest | =
  • - Snarky | Critical | Anxious | Aggressive |
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Naji did not think much of their leader at first. Only more so in the stereotypical way. Of Reed being nothing more than a privileged and arrogant rich dude. Who would just order them around. But those thoughts of course changed after learning the truth and seeing their leader in action. Now after witnessing their leaders accomplishments, learning on how Reed is actually their prince. Naji vows his loyatly and faith in future restoration of their clan branch. And will do anything no matter what the means.
One of the members he gets along extraordinarily well with. Will not admit it, but he has definitely developed a bit of a small crush on him. Yami has become a teacher of sorts for him. Making him a assistant and teaching him the ways of medicine


  • Playlist Name
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  • Each member has a tattoo witch indicates rank/status
  • Necklaces that each member wears contain a extract of pheromones the female of the species can use. It is mostly a one time use item. But can be refilled if member is deemed worthy enough
  • blank
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  • Item.
  • Item.

Hair can be played around with a bit. it does not need to be up in a short ponytail. Im fine with any hair alterations as long as it remains short and the same exact hair color.