Rita Kokonoe



4 years, 6 months ago


still being fleshed out. will update.

ffxiv character.


main classes: BLM and AST.

she's hyper active, don't take no sass, always queuing for dungeons, loves / hates cat boys, doesn't do the catnip, love-hate relationship with Sastasha, ain't got time for anyone else's drama cause she's living in her own, wants to learn how to craft furniture but doesn't have one artistic bone in her body, loves to draw in the sand, loves water / rain, flower crowns are totes her thing, won't hang out in an inn but will stay at your place if it's up to her high standards, doesn't mind sleeping on a futon in the middle of the living room, will fire III anything in her way, doesn't believe in ley lines, what are divination cards, feed her meat, dam she forgot to snack before a dungeon, doesn't pay attention to where her tail is going, au ra males are so hawt, and throws everything in her apartment so it doesn't make any sense. with that said, she has a great personality.  :>