


4 years, 7 months ago


Name: Danny
Age: as human 49 yrs, when reborn as an angel 30 yrs
Gender: Male

Nationality: American
Species: Human/Angel

Relationship status: in a relationship with Aaron

_Life as a Human
When Danny was in his 40s, he got the diagnose of having a heart condition. From this time on, he spent many weeks in hospital, got released again and that`s how the cycle repeats itself every now and then.
Danny developed a friendship with one of the male nurses – they spend a lot of time together. Aaron, the name of said male nurse, made his stay in hospital way easier. When Danny got released, he and Aaron often met up and spent time together.
What first was an ordindary friendship turned into a romantic relationship – they both developed feelings for each other and soon declaired their love.
One day, Danny woke up in the middle of the night because he could not breathe. Aaron was instantly by his side, called the ambulance and desperately helped him to breathe. During his drive to the hospital, he suffered through a cardiac infarction. He barely survived. When he woke up they told him he would need a a heart transplantation – his own would not be strong enough.

Since that day, his name was on the waiting list for a new organ. Although, before he got the surgery, he suffered through another attack and died infront of his lover Aaron – but when he died, it was with a smile on his face.

_Life as an angel
After Dannys death, he woke up in a bright room. He was told that his story has to continue, that his life was way too short. When he accepted, he was surrounded by bright colours, they literally consumed him.
His „life“ turned 180 degrees, he got sent back to earth to fullfill his purpose. The condition Danny had to agree with though, was, that he is not allowed to visit Aaron during his lifetime. What Danny didn't know though, was, that Aaron died aswell - but instead of Danny who is now an angel, Aaron got turned into a vampire.

When he got into battle with a demon, he hurt his right wing - it is now a bit disloacted which makes it more difficult to fly for longer periods.