


4 years, 6 months ago




24 yrs old


Male (he/him)/ Homosexual


Hotelier/ producer

born in

light zone


"Of course we'll play by the rule; I am the rule after all."

The "handsome young man" Michael is the talk of the town ladies. With a charming appearance and a silver tongue, he is quick to gain favor; occasionally, some conversations taking place in the deep of downtown include him. Michael exudes style and makes everyone feel at ease, his hospitality career runs smooth despite being at mid-twenties. Although he is justifiable in whatever he does, he is also regarded as a bit of a sly guy who enjoys having a good time and keeping things interesting by switching between being playful and devious.

He is also well-known for having quite a noteable ones at his service; Just naming two of Michael's big-name allies feels like too much for what a typical motal might obtain in their made-of-flesh hand—one is from the Dark, and the other is an ex-overlord. They say to follow him and there will be glory, which is why they are making a deal with him as the leader.


Even after the miracle had passed away, his mother, Martha, was known as a powerful medusa. After that event, Martha was no longer graced by the world's magic; old age came as a natural occurrence for humans; Martha fled behind the veil of "retirement," but the power, the influence of Medusa, of "Martha," never faded.

Michelangelo grew up in opulence. He had everything he wanted since he was a youngster, thanks to his mother's wealth, power, and glory, as long as he did what his mother told him to do. Michelangelo had to continue to maintain the image of "Martha" even when he was old enough to inherit his mother's hotel business. Michael had never been one for safe choices, the advantages of following orders gradually no longer held him back, and his early 18-year-old impulsiveness meant he needed to do more to increase his impact. Michael is sick of being the "Martha," he wants to be recognized and submitted for himself. And to accomplish this, he will need more than just a wild heart and a cunning mind.

 From the depths of the darkness, Michael looking for what they call "a blessing"...



  • In younger days, Michael was a timid kid. Even though he feels more secure in his current situation, he still blush when someone praises him :')
  • Although Michael used to be anorexic, he chose to ignore it. He is now receiving professional care, yet the affect won't go away; his trigger is too greasy or smoky foods.
  • Michael can play a wide variety of instruments as well because he tends to focus on instrumental composition. He enjoys playing cello most.
  • His physical power is ordinary, not to say he is "fragile" as a ordinary person, compared to other characters, but thanks to yoga and dance training, his muscles are incredibly flexible (*insert weird body stretching*)
  • Michael likes to wear perfume, even at home. He smells great all the time. If his aroma became overwhelmed, very like he did that on purpose as a way of showing hostile.
  • "Angel's Veil" fabric is used to create Michael's white coat (and Xiu in Entity form's clothing). The fabric is made from angel wing feathers, and if touched incorrectly, it will leave an eternal bloodstain and, if it does not like the owner, will drown them in blood. The cloth is pricey and rare since it is exceedingly complex and challenging to create.


dogs, matcha flavor, warm weather, party, perfume collecting.


cold weather, got caught in the rain


Romantically partner. Michael said Nessy is a cheesy cringy loving man, he won't perish at the hands of an insane rival or from his own carelessness. It will be Nessy who end his life with kind words, compliments, and adoring gazes.

Brotherly rivalry. When Michael misbehaved around Holjuma, they frequently referred to him as "u lil shit." Michael, despite his attitude, is always appreciative of whatever Holjuma does for him.

Enihs served as Michael's personal cook at first. He asked Enihs to be his housekeeper after realizing that her presence seemed to have a positive impact on his mother's health.