


4 years, 7 months ago


A little hellion with powers of zap. He's an ex-spy/saboteur who left Cybertron just after the war broke out, the same as his DJ and former occassional work associate Technolock. Now he owns a night club on a space station well outside the war's grip (same one that Blacklight works at).


  • mischievious
  • clever
  • untrusting
  • flirty
  • knows how to fight and will

Orientation: gay

Electrode's club rules:

  1. No fighting. Any and all differences of opinion should be settled outside. Business can be conducted in private inside, but none of it should lead to violence within the club.
  2. Anyone on Electrode's black list (like Transverse) is not allowed inside. The contact information for bounty hunters and enemies of said individuals is kept on speed dial.
  3. Do not touch the DJ.
  4. Do not disrespect any of the bar staff or dancers. You can try your luck with the bouncers, but they will win. Damage done to any of the staff will lead to severe punishment. Station police will be notified after the fact.
  5. Do NOT touch the DJ.