
4 years, 7 months ago



Bossy . Know-it-all . Nosy . Honest

Name Sachie
Called Sa-chan
Age 20
DoB September 1 (Virgo )
Gender Female
Height 5'2
Race Human
Role Shrine maiden
Demeanor Tsundere
Class Healer


It doesn't matter who you are, or whether you belong to a higher rank than her: you WILL listen to what she has to say. Sachie genuinely believes she knows what’s best for everyone, and will often tell others what they should or shouldn’t do. She won’t take no for an answer, and will most likely bug people until they do what they have been told. For good or for bad, Sachie always says what’s on her mind. She makes no attempt to sugar coat her words. Of course she would tell you it's just harsh love, but she needs to learn how to be more careful of people's sensitivities.

Years of being in charge of the others trainees, at the temple, make her act as though she knows everything. She does have basic knowledge about many things, but she'll also argue when it comes to topics she knows nothing about. Sachie might eventually listen,but she isn’t fond of admitting she was wrong or that she is clueless when it comes to most life experiences.

Always ready to help and assist, even if no one particularly asked for her help. Sachie is a benevolent person that despite her strong personality, is always looking after everyone in her own way. She means well and is very earnest, but at times she might be too much of a naïve humanitarian for her own good.


  • Cleaning
  • Sakuramochi
  • Lively places full of people
  • The buzzing sound of cicadas in summer
  • Waking up early to see the sunrise


  • Alcohol
  • Oversleeping
  • Being the one being healed
  • Reckless behavior
  • Meat dishes


  • Praying
  • Collecting Otedama
  • -
  • -
  • -




Is a light sleeper

A decent cook, but specializes in dishes that have vegetables

Prays for everyone's safety every morning

Her hair is very soft but very puffy, at the same time. Sachie spends hours trying to makes it presentable

Sachie is basically an angry Chihuahua


Bloom Festal

A Rod that is fashioned to embody the season of spring, the Bloom Festal, as compared to its Staff counterpart, Heal, has reduced potency to compensate for its superior range.



Sachie was born into a noble Hoshidan family. Her birth was something that was celebrated, until something unexpected was discovered. The little girl was sick and frail, to the point a mere cold could kill her. Desperate to keep their baby alive, her parents reached out to the best shrine maidens for help. They put their trust in these healers, and within time Sachie became a healthy child, as normal as any other kid. Her parents were so grateful that they made a promise to the head priestess, to honor the shrine that took such good care of Sachie. She in return would be raised as a shrine maiden at that very same temple. Sachie was to learn their beliefs, and techniques, to dedicate herself to healing others. The girl's fate was decided earlier on, but it was not a fate she would come to dislike.

Life in the temple

When was she old enough, Sachie was sent to live in the temple away from her family. She was very lonely at first, but with the kindness of the maidens, she quickly learnt to adapt to this new life. However she would only truly feel like she belonged to the temple, when she was taking care of the other younger maidens like her. Being rather mature for her age her “sisters” would often seek her out for advice, company or for help with various sickness'. Sachie basically became the babysitter of the bunch, and came to love and care for her peers as if they were her real sisters. She loved the feeling of being needed, and of being usefull. It might've been selfish on her part, but it helped her cope with the feeling of desolation from missing her family.

Growing up

Years passed and Sachie grew more responsible, as well as prideful. Because of her motherly instincts, she would be in charge of the new maidens coming each and every year. She was dedicated in her teaching, and often brought the new girls to the nearby villages, where they'd tend to the less fortunate. Sachie would have to keep a close eye on the trainees because they'd constantly let themselves be wooed by good looking, yet troublemaking boys. Seriously, if she could pull the ear of everyone single one of them, she would! Shrine maidens should be dedicated to their jobs, not to smooth talking boys! Its not like any man would seriously consider marrying a shine maiden anyways. At least, that's what she thought.

Happiness...and War

Some years later, one of the maiden's from the temple was to be wed to one of those orphan boys. Sachie always thought they were troublemakers with bad intentions. She opposed to the wedding at first but gave in once she saw how happy her shrine maiden sister was. Marriage should've been a blessing… But war was merciless. Once a blushing bride, now became a heartbroken widow. “Nohrians” was what they had been told. Sachie could do nothing as she watched her friend blame herself for letting her husband go. All those years of being sheltered in the temple, made Sachie grow up without witnessing such grief, first hand. She came to realize her life needed change. What was the good of learning how to heal people if all she did was stay in the safety of her home? She didn’t want to have regrets not like her friend did


Days later Sachie enlisted in the army. It was a place where she knew she'd find people in need of healing... a place where she could truly help the suffering.




The drunken hero

Kichio is reckless, drinks like a fish, never listens to her. Basically everything Sachie hates personificvated...and yet, Sachie cannot leave him alone. No she cannot seem to get him out of her head at all! Sachie made her own personal mission to keep an eye on Kichio, for better or worse, he needs her..and she needs him as well.



Forgetfull friend

Livie one day wandered into the temple where Sachie works and casually...collapsed. Despise Livie cleary not being from Hoshido, Sachie took Livie under her wing and nursed her back to health. Since then the two have been friends.



Lost soul

Sachie doesnt know Nero that well, only that Livie cares about him a great deal...maybe more than she should. Sachie wish she could help them but still the fact Nero is on the enemy side makes her bitter.