Ross Marciano



4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Ross Marciano

Age: 16

Height: 5'7" (170 cm)

Weight: 132 lbs (60 kg)

Gender: Male

Pronoun: He/him

Sexuality: Straight

Hometown: Pastoria City, Sinnoh / Baton Rouge, LA (depending on continuity)

As Seen in; Region Trotters: Kanto Catastrophes / Alca Ronpa 4

Favored Pokemon Type: Water

Ultimate Talent: Wilderness Ranger


"Er... Sorry for being so… Weird, I guess. I’m not too good around people if I’m being honest."

Ross Marciano is quite an introverted person. Being very socially inept and often missing basic social cues, it's clear that Ross isn't really the best around other people. He isolates himself from society and other people as much as he possibly can. He tries to act all social and polite, but he would very much rather just be left alone.

Ross is very much a free-spirit. He would much rather do his own thing at any given opportunity without anybody even attempting to judge him for his actions, so he's had trouble listening to the advice of others at times. He very firmly believes him what he is doing; at the same time, he's quite naive and is willing to take on something fits his moral code, if it's convenient.

Notably, Ross is an extreme perfectionist, putting an immense amount of work into what he does. He wants to ensure that everything is done right, which leads him to get a little too intense and driven about his goals. In addition, Ross is a very professional type of person, firmly believing and qualification and preparedness for himself. He gets so far into doing something that he ends up collapsing and burning: not from stress, but when his morals and qualities are questioned, he doesn't have the best answer for the. Being extremely convinced that he's doing the right thing and making him let go is very difficult.


Ross has an affinity for animals and Pokemon alike. Preferring to be around wild creatures more around humans even from an early, he frequently escaped the confinements of a crowded city in order to get more in touch with nature. The forest became second nature to Ross, especially when his parents were so busy trying to provide for themselves and their other family members that they could really care less about what Ross did. Ross honed his skills as a Ranger, getting his certifications at an extremely young age. Along with continually working as an activist for animal rights and environmentalism, he was known as one of the top rangers in his field. Let's just hope he doesn't take these ideologies too far...


- In the Pokemon universe, Ross's starter was a Buizel (which has since evolved)
- Ross has been an OC for over four years now, as well as my flagship OC
 -Ross is relatively inept with certain forms of technology but shows a basic understanding of them. He barely uses the most common forms of technology like TVs and the internet, however
- Ross is the middle child and only son in his family (out of 5)
- He once attended Tri-Lake Academy, a preparatory school in Pastoria before dropping out for the Region Trotters program
- After Kanto Catastrophes, Ross works as a Poison-type specialist, using Poison-types to his advantage in the wild for recovery efforts

(Other Data)

- Region Trotters Kanto Catastrophes placement: 17th/18th
- Eliminated in: When Mt. Moon Hits Your Eye
- Friends: Natalie Harlow, Zane Lute, Ryuma Scifo
- Enemies: N/A
- Pokemon on hand: Floatzel, Roserade