


4 years, 7 months ago



Name: Forrest (no last name)

Species: Treecko

Age: 26 (in human years)

Height: 2'2.5" (67 cm)

Weight: 12 lbs (5.4 kg)

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Aro/Ace

Hometown: Baram Town, Air Continent

As Seen In: Region Trotters: Discordia Divided

Favored Pokemon Type: Grass (...yeah)

Talent: Ultimate Aerialist


"I defeated a Rayquaza before. You DON'T scare me." 
- Forrest, to Sierra 161-19, Region Trotters: Discord Divided, Episode 3

In progress...

(Fun Facts)

- Forrest cannot evolve. Nobody knows why; not even himself.
- Forrest was transported into the fictional region of Discordia via an Ultra Wormhole, where he entered a competition called Region Trotters.
- Forrest's rescue team partner is an Oshawott named Ariel. She's very peppy, excitable, over the top, and a genuinely good person. Forrest loves being around Ariel since she "brings out some of the good in him", but he's still upset about being overshadowed.
- Forrest stole a headset from a scientist's lab. It's on him at all times and can translate his Pokemon speak to human speak. If he loses it, then there's no fixing it, as it was a prototype.
- Forrest is an advocate for Pokemon's rights and wants for humans and Pokemon to co-exist together.
- Forrest is illiterate but knows how to handle numbers.
- Forrest was created in 2016 but was significantly different. In particular, he happened to be a Riolu named Rilan.
- Forrest tries to act as if he's a more "civilized" Pokemon, but he just longs to be taken seriously by humans in reality.

(Other Data)

- Region Trotters Discordia Divided placement: 12/18
- Eliminated: Calm During the Storm (Episode 8)
- Friends: Hien Khuu, Hibiki Kioku, Sierra 161-19
- Enemies: Baylen Reeves, Yuunosuke Kyokuhara
- Other Pokemon Befriended: Ela - Grotle (Level 20, Naughty nature), Trevor - Lombre (Level 23, Calm Nature)