
4 years, 7 months ago



Xyrai is a robotic dragon originally designed to guard Serahn's royal castle, but after a fight that busted her scanner and gun, she was bid off to a rich family. Xyrai was set to guard and babysit the 6-year-old child, who was very adventurous. The kid talked to Xyrai like she was a person and even gave her that name despite originally just being called by her model number. The father of the family was programmer and he thought his daughter's relationship with the robot was cute but rather one-sided, so he programmed a personality chip for her that simulated complex emotions and affection with a calm and kind personality, so well made Xyrai wonders if she really can feel real emotion sometimes. Now that the child's friend could talk back to her, they became very close, the fake flowercrown she wears was made by the child, but then the city was thrown into chaos. Serahn had been a very technologically advanced kingdom compared to others, and had been threatening war for years, one they could absolutely win. In fear, all other kingdoms joined together and called upon all strong magic-wielders to banish Serahn. The ground beneath Xyrai's home shook for a while, confused yells exchanging between fellow citizens, before the surface gave out entirely. The city of Serahn fell under the Earth, and the hole sealed up before anyone could fly or climb out. The rest of the smaller Serahn settlements were easily taken out without the main city in the picture. The people of Serahn were terrified and starting raiding each other for food and other resources. The city was able to light up with backup generations but the only food sources they had been just outside the city's main border. Xyrai managed to protect her family from any invaders, but eventually resources thinned and they died of dehydration. Xyrai, overcome by the emotions created in her chip, tried to tear it out, but after no such luck, simply laid down in the house and didn't get up. Her body was self-sustaining, a small generator inside her used a small bit of thra that could power her systems for hundred of years. After a few weeks of mourning, she noticed the sounds of screaming and scuffles faded outside, and then a group of other robotics broke into the house. She expected them to break her and use her for spare parts for something, not that she could bring herself to care, but instead, they explained to her all organic life had died in the city but the still functioning robotics had come together and formed a group called the Bionic. Their goal was to find a way out, either by means of digging, which would take years, or other, and once they were out, they'd first strengthen themselves and gather more allies, then rage attacks against the kingdoms that ruined their home. They left her to think about it, and after a week, she sorrowfully left her home. The circular symbol painted on her right shoulder is the Bionic's. After months of working and searching with the Bionic's, she became much more bitter and angry at the world, but still had aspects of her kindness and placidity as they were never removed from her chip. She also made close friends with the higher members of the organization and became high ranked herself, having been made smart and strong when built for the job of royal guard. One day, she accidentally bumped into a rock wall while patrolling with her friend, and noticed how the wall sounded hallow on the other side. Her friend and her started to dig at the wall in curiosity, and discovered a labyrinth of cave openings. Not wanting to give a red herring, they peaked around the caves before reporting it. While they were exploring, Xyrai noticed a light coming from down one of the caves, and there it was. A opening to the outside world, completely devoid of brown and grey stone but inside soft green grass and birch trees. They quickly reported back, and after months, nearly a year, Xyrai was out, but with a new chip on her shoulder.