


4 years, 7 months ago


One of my first alien designs I did that collaborated with a discord art chat group for Space Alien Pirates. Xesha sneaks onto the crew ship with @Spartadog's character, Dago. Xesha's role is a cabin boy and doesn't seem to mind to do the small chores around the ship and other duties compared to his previous and crude life as a supervisor at a brothel. Xesha isn't fond of talking about his past or reliving his childhood or anything from his homeworld. He doesn't mind talking about his occupation as a brothel employee and the kind of clients he's serviced either personally or for in the residence to another colleague. His race (unnamed) are almost made of pure energy and it's also one of their primary sources of consumption. They are able to take the essence/energy of a being even their physical form into themselves and even mutate from their food's physical appearances and attributes as a means of offense and/or defense. Xesha views violence as a last resort or a means of self defense as he witnessed his father being slain in a fighting pit, personally by him due to his father's request in order to save Xesha's life. Xesha carries his father's very power and abilities within him. His abilities include transformation into a larger form for combat, incredible strength, pure energy bursts/blasts/heat/etc. Xesha may have his father's abilities, but he also developed a taboo ability growing up, telekinesis. His species view telekinesis as taboo and unnatural for the mind to be so powerful and able to control objects or things mentally when the physical self should be the one to handle and shape the world around them. (Type this up late) 

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