Mila Hallows



4 years, 7 months ago


Mila is the daughter of the Mayor of Halloween Town. Younger sister of Maizy and Twin to __ (owned by pixiesera).

Killer Style:  "I would describe my style as pastel goth lolita. I really like goth fashion but I'm also super girly and love pink so I like to combine the two together for the perfect combination. There is just something so satisfying about pairing opposites together. They compliment one another so well!"

Freaky Flaw:  "Sometimes when I'm really excited, I get really chatty and don't let anyone get a word in edge ways. I've been told I have excitable word vomit. My sister arranged for me to meet Madison Skellington and I was so excited I bombarded her with questions without letting her answer. It was so embarrassing!"

Favorite Color: "Pastel Pink!"

Favorite Food: "I love a good pumpkin pie but I also love chocolate pretzels and halloween trail mix. There's just something about pairing sweet and salty together that just works!"

Biggest Pet Peeve: ""

Favorite Activity: "Fashion design. I really like getting creative and combining my love of opposites into creating something AMAZING! My father may be the mayor but I'd love to be a costume designer for the big stars one day."

Pet: "I would love a pet but my dad won't allow us to have one. Hes so busy and always worrying."